
Former UN Weapons Inspector: Syrian Gas Attack Story Raises Serious Questions

(CN) — In the 1980’s, Scott Ritter was a commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps, specializing in intelligence. In 1987, Ritter was assigned to the On-Site Inspection Agency, which was put together to go into the Soviet Union and oversee the implementation of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty. This was the first time that on-site […]

No Longer Obsolete, NATO Acts as Trump’s Lapdog

(MEE) — US President Donald Trump has proven that it only takes 100 missiles to win over an elite. The latest US-led attack on Syria was swiftly applauded by NATO. The readiness to endorse that show of force could be interpreted as an improvement in relations. During his election campaign, Trump had dismissed the alliance as “obsolete”. That insult caused a degree of consternation among […]

Corporate Media in West Doubles Down on the Douma ‘Chemical Attack’ Narrative

Moscow’s delegation to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) held a press briefing in the Hague on April 26 on the alleged 7th April chemical attacks in Douma, Eastern Ghouta. While the US, UK and France have been clamouring for justice and bombing Syria based on alleged offences committed by the Syrian government ‘against their own people’, […]

The West Closes its Ears to Douma Testimony

The response from the US, UK and France to a briefing on Thursday at the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the Hague was perverse, to say the least. Russia had brought 17 witnesses from Douma who stated that there had been no chemical weapons attack there earlier this month – the pretext for an illegal air strike on Syria by the three western states.

The fiasco of the bombing raid on Syria

The more time passes since the allied attack against Syria on 14 April 2018, the more the available information reveals the amplitude of the disaster. While the United States still mange to prevent leaks from their armies, those from France are irrevocable. Washington, Paris and London clearly demonstrated that they still intend to rule the world, but they also showed that they no longer have the means to do so.

Syria’s (Russian made) Pantsir S1 system makes the grade in combat

The Russian Ministry of Defense has been consistent in its report that Syrian defenses successfully stopped some 71 of the 103 missiles that the triad of Western powers launched at targets in Syria. One of the systems that deserves the credit for the missile kills is the legacy system, called the Pantsir S1 Surface to air missile and anti-aircraft artillery system. NATO has its own coding for this system, and for Western powers this system is known as the S-22 “Greyhound.”

America’s Most Popular Politician Is Nikki Haley — Let That Sink In

(MEMO) — US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley is America’s most popular politician according to a study by Quinnipiac University, CNN reported yesterday. Haley is viewed positively by some 63 per cent of US voters, while only 39 per cent gave their approval of US President Donald Trump. Haley’s popularity also stretched to both sides of the political […]