
SDF/YPG/PKK Under Attack From "Unknown Aggressors"?

I'm really not sure what to make of this news. Still, it seems interesting enough to post.Is the unknown aggressor a new player on the field. If so who exactly are they? Who are they really affiliated with? Jane's curiously provided for us all a new/different name for an entity that may or may not be the 'unknown aggressor'.  Scroll down for that bit of info. And yes, I'll certainly be keeping my eye on this group.Washington Times

Israel Took out a Syrian Pantsir Air Defense Unit, S-200 Radars. Russia: ‘No S-300 Transfer, Syria Has All It Needs’

By Marko Marjanović | Checkpoint Asia | May 12, 2018 Rather than admit it has its own reasons why it is unwilling to boost Syrian air defenses Russia plays up their effectiveness and pretends these are perfectly adequate — when in 7 years they haven’t been able to deter Israel from nearly weekly attacks. On […]

Israel distorts timeline of events to play victim in the dangerous escalation with Iran and Syria

Distorting the timeline of events is a longtime Israeli strategy to make its enemies look like the aggressors and pass itself off as the victim. Israel’s massive aerial attacks earlier today on Iranians and Syrians — its most extensive cross-border strikes in decades — are carrying out this propaganda strategy to perfection, and even normally skeptical news outlets are being fooled.

This Is What They Don’t Want You To Know About Syria: Eva Bartlett on Dan Dicks’ Press For Truth

Dan Dicks writes on Steemit:
We are being lied to about the real agenda for Syria and the middle east.
The truth is this is a decades old plan being carried out with the sole purpose of regime change and control of the entire region. As more bombs continue to drop we are fed more lies from the mainstream media and unless we expose what’s really going on it’s only going to get worse.
In this video

Syria: New proxy battles as Macron cuddles up to Trump

On April 7, images showing children being frantically hosed off in what was described as a suspected chemical attack in the district of Douma, Syria were beamed across the world.
The Russians and the Syrians claimed it was staged by a humanitarian organization called the White Helmets. The Russians went even further that they have proof the British government assisted this organization as it receives funding from the UK.

Putin Backs Off Giving S-300 Missile Systems to Syria After Netanyahu Meeting

(ZHE) — Russia has made an apparent U-turn on its prior signaling that it would supply the advanced S-300 surface-to-air missiles to Syria after this week’s major escalation between Syria and Israel, which involved scores of surface-to-surface rockets being fired by both sides, primarily across the contested Golan border, and some 28 Israeli aircraft firing around 60 air-to-surface missiles at […]

Germany begs Russia to pick up the torch that US has dropped

Germany’s Foreign Minister, Heiko Maas, who has a history of expressing anti Russian rhetoric relevant to Russia’s presence in Syria as well as an alleged cyber attack on the German Foreign Ministry which Maas says that he ‘has to assume stemmed from Russia’, has turned an about face. He has traveled, for the first time, to Moscow to discuss international diplomacy, the Iran nuclear deal, peace talks on Ukraine, and Syria.

Israel Wants Its Own War in Syria

Hard as it may be to believe, at the moment of writing these words I am at the airport about to embark on a trip which will culminate in Mashhad, Iran. At the same time, Israeli army spokesperson is tweeting that twenty rockets launched by Iranian Quds brigades stationed in Syria were intercepted by the Israeli “Iron Dome.” The rockets, so the IDF claims, were aimed at IDF posts in the Golan Heights and sirens were sounded to alert the people living on the Golan Heights to go into bomb shelters. It seems that once again Israel got what it wanted: Its own war in Syria.