
Ivanka & Jared In Israel for US Jerusalem Embassy Opening: Palestinians Die

The intentional provocation, inherent in this move is already seeing the desired results..What may yet come is anyone's guess, really. Might Israel take the opportunity to take still more shots at Syria? I wouldn't doubt it! How about all that Israeli violence against unarmed protestors in Palestine/Gaza/West Bank? NO calls from the anglo zionist toadies to save them from the Israeli tyrant. Macron? May? Trump? All Quiet. Israel live fire sniping at random Palestinians at Tear gassing. Lots of confusion.

Do You Want to Travel Around the Middle East? Think Twice!

Do you think it is that simple to travel around the Middle East? Think twice!
Ask Palestinians, about trying to get from a point A to a point B in their own nation.
Some time ago, sitting in an old Ottoman hotel in Bethlehem, I asked a waiter what it takes to travel from there to Gaza, where he said, several of his relatives were living. He looked at me as if I had fallen from the Moon:

Syria Imposes New Rules of Engagement on Israel

The Resistance Axis will soon have its eyes fixed on the occupied Golan, that Syria has never given up liberating by armed struggle – a right conferred by international law itself, this territory being recognized as Syrian by all the international community: any Syrian operation there is a legal and legitimate act of resistance against Israel’s 1967 aggression and subsequent occupation, even without further provocation.

Chemical attack accusations ‘fake’: Assad interview

ALEXIS PAPACHELAS | Kathimerini | May 10, 2018 In an exclusive interview with Kathimerini, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad denied that the Syrian Army used chemical weapons against civilians, while taking aim at both Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and US President Donald Trump. Saying that Syria gave up its chemical arsenal in 2013, Assad said […]

Paris Attacker Born in Chechnya. Blame Russia? You Betcha!

One always has to wonder exactly how it is each of these types of attacks will be spun. Certainly this most recent attack in France, with it’s alleged Chechen perpetrator, caught my attention. Considering most previous  French attackers have been Syrian or somehow connected to Syria. Or French nationals somehow ‘radicalized’ in Syria.Examples: France Supermarket Attacker pledged to "die for Syria"