
Ignoring the Astana Talks, the US Is Increasing Its Military Presence in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor Province

By Peter KORZUN | Strategic Culture Foundation | 17.05.2018 President Trump’s announcement that he intends to order the US military out of Syria attracted a lot of public attention, unlike the war preparations that preceded and followed those statements. Three months ago, the American military established an outpost in Manbij, in the wake of Turkey’s threats to seize control of the […]

“A Suffocating Groupthink”: Sampling The Corporate Media On Israel, Iran, Syria And Russia

The gaping chasm between reality and unreality is exemplified by recent contrasting statements about journalism from two veteran reporters. On the one side we have Jeremy Bowen, the BBC’s Middle East editor, who enjoys a public image of principled honesty and a supposedly fierce commitment to news balance and impartiality.

OPCW says chlorine ‘likely’ used in Syria based on open-source info & samples provided by jihadists

RT | May 17, 2018 The OPCW report claiming that chlorine was “likely used” in Saraqeb, Syria in February is “seriously misleading” because its narrative is based on evidence provided by jihadists, a former UK ambassador told RT. A fact-finding mission (FFM) of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on Wednesday published […]

Iran, Russia, Turkey issue joint statement following peace talks in Astana

Representatives from Iran, Russia, and Turkey met at the Kazakh capital of Astana for peace talks relative to the Syrian conflict and have released a joint statement.
The three parties are also the guarantors of the ceasefire agreement in Syria, arguing that only a political, non military, solution can resolve the conflict and result in a stable outcome.
Tasnim News Agency reports: