
Likud MK Pushes Israel to Recognize Kurdistan as Independent

'Cause when you just wanna get along with your neighbours taking every action to antagonize them makes perfect sense..... not! As US Congressman DeSantis pushes for the recognition of Syria’s Golan as Israeli territory we have an Israeli MK pushing for Israel to recognize Kurdistan as an "independent" state. Can anyone deny that the US and Israel are being intentionally provocative pushing these concepts? It seems to me neither the US or Israel are hiding their desire for a regional war.The move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem was a provocation

US anti-tank missiles found at former Al-Nusra facility in Syria – Russian MoD

RT | May 21, 2018 US-made TOW anti-tank missiles, along with other weapons, have been found in facilities once controlled by Al-Nusra militants in Syria’s Homs province, the Russian Defense Ministry said. The trove was located in a former observation point of the Al-Nusra Front terrorist group in the liberated Zaafaran settlement in Homs province, […]

Cold War Mentality Alive and Well in Australia

Writing in The Australian newspaper under the headline “Red Threats to Render White Paper just about Passé” (18 May 2018) ANU emeritus professor Paul Dibb offers a commentary that exemplifies much of what is wrong with Australian strategic thinking. The problem is all the more acute because Dibb is regularly quoted in the mainstream media and his views are considered influential. In this latest article he calls for a re-evaluation of the premises underlying the Foreign Policy White Paper released only six months ago.

Rights Group: Israeli Army Endangering Syrian Lives

IMEMC News & Agencies – May 20, 2018 Following last week’s extensive military activity, which saw projectiles landing in the occupied Syrian Golan heights, Al-Marsad, the independent, non profit human rights organisation, reiterates its call for the removal of Israeli army posts from Syrian civilian areas. Since its occupation of the Golan heights in 1967, […]

Netanyahu in Moscow for Victory Day: why did Putin invite him?

News of the recent attendance of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Moscow’s 9th May Victory Day Parade provoked a predictable range of reactions ranging from anger, dismay, denial and – on the part of some of the US’s and Israel’s friends – even a certain amount of gloating.
For an example of the latter, see for example these words by the British historian Niall Ferguson in a lengthy article hailing Donald Trump’s supposed masterstroke in pulling out of the JCPOA.