
Daesh-Linked Terror Groups Seen in Syrian al-Tanf Controlled by US – Lavrov

Sputnik | May 28, 2018 According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, only Syrian government troops should be located on the country’s Southern borders with Israel. Russia and the United States are conducting a dialogue at the diplomatic and military level regarding the situation in Syria’s al-Tanf region, Lavrov stated. “We are witnessing an increasing number […]

Saudi Wahabbism Serves Western Imperialism

When the Saudi Crown Prince gave an interview to the Washington Post, declaring that it was actually the West that encouraged his country to spread Wahhabism to all corners of the world, there was a long silence in almost all the mass media outlets in the West, but also in countries such as Egypt and Indonesia.
Those who read the statement expected a determined rebuke from Riyadh. It did not come. The sky did not fall. Lightning did not strike the Prince or the Post.

Syrian Kurds rally to demand Turkey withdrawal

Press TV – May 26, 2018 Hundreds have demonstrated in Syria’s northeastern city of Qamishli, in response to a call by Kurdish authorities for global protests against Turkey’s military presence in the flashpoint Afrin region. Turkish forces and allied Syrian militants seized the northwest region of Afrin from Kurdish forces in March, after a two-month […]

Putin: Turkey Will Not Yield to US Bullying on S-400 Purchase

Putin did not use the word "bully" I did for my headline, cause I like it! It's so very topical,  popular and  so easily understandable :)Press TVReaders here know I can’t abide by out of context quoting, therefore, I’m enjoying the inclusion of the full context of Putin’s statement, provided by Press TV, below:

Trump Set to Recognize Israel’s Claim to Occupied Golan Heights and Its Sizable Oil Reserves

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL – While President Trump has reneged on many of his campaign promises — namely, those more populist and non-interventionist in nature — he has undeniably fulfilled those that appealed to his pro-Israel, Zionist supporters. First, Trump announced late last year that his administration would officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.