
Saudi Arabia is forming new force in Syria – report

By Leith Aboufadel – Al-Masdar News – 30/05/2018 BEIRUT, LEBANON – Officials from the Saudi regime met with members of the predominately Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in northeastern Syria recently, Turkish state-owned Anadolu Agency reported on Tuesday. According to the Anadolu report, three Saudi military consultants met with the YPG in the northeast Aleppo […]

US State Department Tells Syria What It Can and Can’t Do on Its Own Soil

The US State Department has warned Syria against launching an offensive against terrorist positions in southern Syria. The statement claims that the American military will respond if Syrian forces launch an operation aimed at restoring the legitimate government’s control over the rebel-held areas, including the territory in southwestern Syria between Daraa and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

Former Congressman Ron Paul remarks on declining American global influence

As I’ve been commenting on America’s decline in influence, and the shifting of the poles of global power and influence, its been interesting to watch how these perspectives have been independently cropping up elsewhere. Lately, one of the most recent of these is a piece published by former American congressman Ron Paul at the Ron Paul Institute:

Kurdish YPG to get backing from the Saudis

Back when it was cool to be a part of the gang that was going to oust Assad from power in Syria, Turkey’s Erdogan thought it might be advantageous to get in on the action, helping to destabilize Syria. Then the Syria thing turned into a real quagmire and the Americans started backing the Kurds while the Russians were backing Assad, putting the Turks in a bit of a tight spot.

Syria sides with Russia, recognizes Abkhazia, South Ossetia

Georgia says it will sever diplomatic relations with Syria over its decision to recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent countries, Georgian Deputy Foreign Minister David Dondua said on Tuesday.
The same day, a statement on the website of the self-declared South Ossetian Foreign Ministry said the northern Georgian region and Syria had “established diplomatic relations.”

Russia reverse engineers unexploded Tomahawk missiles from Syria

Just a week after the alleged chemical weapon attack in Douma, the one that the US, France, and the UK announced that they have proof of, and that the proof unequivocally pointed at the Syrian government under Assad, they decided to join together as a coalition and to conduct a ‘precision strike’ on Damascus to destroy sites alleged to manufacture or to warehouse chemical weapons.