
Aleppo Citadel Reopens It's Doors- Triumph Over Adversity

 Let's hope this is a good sign for Syria as a whole.SANA

The citadel of Aleppo, the most important archaeological monument in the city and one of the most amazing places of Islamic architecture, has re-opened its doors for visitors and tourists after being rehabilitated and cleaned of the dust of terrorism.

The citadel is one of the oldest and largest castles in the world and has preserved its beauty throughout history as it walls and fortresses have stood in the face of invaders.

ASSAD: US and Israeli intervention prevents reconciliation in Syria (Interview)

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad revealed in a recent interview with Iranian media al-Alam TV that attempts at achieving non military resolutions to conflicts inside Syria via reconciliation is being actively prevented by intervention from Israel and the US. He is adamant that the price demanded by the Americans, that of absolute US hegemony, is one that Syria will never pay.

Atlantic Council Lies Dashed “On the Rocks” in Syria

The Atlantic Council spearheads pro-war propaganda for US-NATO wars around the globe. This includes US-led hybrid warfare against Russia, the subversion and overthrow of the Ukrainian government in 2014 and the subsequent conflict that resulted, as well as America’s interventions in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria.
The Atlantic Council describes itself as:

Russian/Turkish deal for Tell Rifaat. The Micro & Macro along the Silk Road: Pepe Escobar

Going a little long- This post covers the micro and the macroEarlier this week Southfront had delivered one of their usual vague news reports. With no link back to original source. They followed up with another one just the other day. I'm not a huge fan of Southfront. It's no different then any other source, in my opinion, information from Southfront needs verification, same as info from anywhere else.

White Helmets: A tool for ‘regime change’ in Syria that’s too important to stop funding?

RT | June 16, 2018 Washington’s decision to resume funding for White Helmets after a brief freeze highlights how important the controversial group is for the US-promoted regime-change agenda, journalists and Syrian conflict observers have told RT. “The Pentagon planners have probably finally realized just how important the White Helmets are to the regime change […]