
Seymour Hersh Weighs in on Syria, the State of US Media and His New Memoir

Seymour Hersh states that the “deadliest words” in US media today are, “I think.” With media cycles constantly fluctuating and changing format and delivery based on website clicks it’s hard to keep up and find good reporting. For example, Hersh points to a lack of coverage or deep analysis regarding the war in Yemen and Trump’s removal of Sudan from the travel ban list, as crucial stories in need of further investigating.

Erdogan reelected to Turkish presidency in snap election

After already have served as the anatolian country’s leader for a decade and a half, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has scored another victory. His new term will witness expanded presidential powers above those which he has wielded in the past, with major governmental changes implemented following a failed 2016 coup. These elections were snap elections, held a year and half early, and Erdogan received a 52.5% ballot support from an 88% voter turnout.

Obama Adviser: We Knew We Were Arming and Funding Terrorists in Syria

(ZHE Op-ed) — Someone finally asked Obama administration officials to own up to the rise of ISIS and arming jihadists in Syria. In a wide ranging interview titled “Confronting the Consequences of Obama’s Foreign Policy” The Intercept’s Mehdi Hasan put the question to Ben Rhodes, who served as longtime deputy national security adviser at the White House under Obama and is now promoting his […]

Kushner talks ‘deal of the century’ with Israel’s Netanyahu

Trump is after anything big that he can slap his name on to put him in a position that the history books will remember as ‘great’. For this reason, his son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner and special envoy Jason Greenblatt have been on a tour of the Middle East advocating this ‘deal of the century’, where they believe that they are gonna hammer out a peace deal, something that has eluded world leaders for decades.

Survival of Trans-Atlantic Alliance sees no guarantees

NATO head Jens Stoltenberg touted the unifying nature of the NATO Alliance in his call for a greater commitment to its mission. Stoltenberg got around to promoting this necessity because of the threats that are posed by Russia, cyber attacks, terrorism, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. But he seems to ignore the fact that many of the threats to the security of the Western order are artificial or manufactured by NATO’s primary member and benefactor, the United States of America.

Separation and killing of children

President Trump’s cruel policy of separating immigrant children from their parents as they sought asylum here mocked the idea that the US government values families. Unfortunately the US has a long and sad history of separating children from their parents. For example, the US took American-Indian children from their parents and Black slave families were often torn apart.