
Sergei Lavrov: Skripals, Trump and More

YaYaC has posted a great interview of Sergei Lavrov.I especially like the fact that Mr Lavrov points out "It's not about "liking" certain country leaders; it's about being able to work intelligently with them." As has been stated, time and time again, here at the blog- it's not about friendship.  That's rubbish. It's about interests.  Lavrov also states this:  'let's not speak slogans, let's speak facts' to the journalist.I like facts too!  Most people don't like facts.

UK Warplanes Bomb Pro-Government Forces in Syria After Attack by ‘Unidentified Force’

Sputnik – July 1, 2018 The Royal Air Force strike on Syrian troops is the first of its kind since April, when the US, UK and France launched missile strikes against multiple targets in the Arab republic after an alleged chemical attack in Douma. A Ministry of Defense spokesman confirmed that the RAF attack had taken […]

Forced Recruitment by US-Backed SDF Reported Again in Deir Ezzur

Fars News Agency | June 30, 2018 The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have detained and forcefully recruited a large number of civilians in Deir Ezzur. Local sources in Eastern Deir Ezzur reported on Saturday that the SDF has detained tens of civilians during heavy attacks on the villages of al-Tiyanah, al-Shanan and al-Jarzi. The […]

French Firm Charged For Funding Jihadists In Syria For Profit

French rights group Sherpa, one of the plaintiffs in the case, said it was the first time that a company anywhere in the world had been charged with complicity in crimes against humanity. French cement giant Lafarge was charged Thursday with complicity in crimes against humanity and financing a terrorist organization for paying millions to jihadist groups, including the Islamic […]

Former British Ambassador to Syria says OPCW turning into NATO tool for war

Between the Skripal poisonings and the staged Douma chemical attack, the West has been on a mission to find a solid pretext for ramping up their hysteria against Russia even further, to ever more so isolate it, and for developing a good excuse to escalate the West’s military participation in Syria with an aim of eliminating the Assad government.