
Charlie Wilson's War Redux- Sen.Lindsey Graham Goes to US/PKK Occupied Manbij

I'd hoped to publish this news yesterday, but, didn't get it done! Lack of time :(As of today, I find still another reason to get this information out. Besides simply informing readers, an opportunity is presented to vent my ongoing frustrations with the 5 eyes alt media. And it's deceptive practices. Those that I find on par with 5 eyes msm.So away we go!Senator's Lindsey Graham & Jeanne Shaheen arrived, with coalition military escort/most likely US, in US/PKK occupied Syrian city of Manbij-They did not meet with the Turks while there.

Syrian Government Calls on 5 Million Refugees to Return Home

(ANTIWAR.COM) — With rebel territory shrinking all the time, the Syrian government has publicly called on refugees of the war, in excess of 5 million people, to begin returning home. They say the terrorists have mostly been expelled. Looking at a map, this makes sense. The ISIS caliphate is gone. The rebels are expelled from metro Damascus, and […]

Another one bites the dust: Ecuador now US vassal state

In recent years Ecuador has resisted American imperialism in Latin America, even ousting the US military presence within their borders.
Former Vice President under the previous left leaning presidential administration, Moreno was largely expected to continue Correa’s policies, but is now thawing relations with Washington and pledging support and cooperation with the Americans in fighting drugs and organized crime.

Damascus calls on citizens forced by war to leave Syria to return home

RT | July 3, 2018 The Syrian government has called on citizens, forced by war and terrorist attacks to leave the country, to return home after the liberation of most areas which were under terrorists’ control. The situation has changed after the liberation of many areas from terrorists either by military operations by the Syrian […]

Lindsey Graham Warns U.S. Withdrawal from Syria Would Be “Terrible” During Surprise Visit to Manbij

MANBIJ, SYRIA – After meeting with Turkish leadership over the weekend, Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) made a “surprise visit” on Monday to Manbij, where they met with members of Manbij Military Council (MMC), a Kurdish militia that operates as part of the umbrella group, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

Israeli Occupation Forces Appoint First Iran ‘Project Director’

Israeli Maj.-Gen. Nitzan Alon Al-Manar | July 3, 2018 Israeli Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot has appointed Maj.-Gen. Nitzan Alon, who recently left his role as head of the military’s Operations Directorate, as the first director of a special project to coordinate all issues related to Israeli battle against Iran. Alon accompanied Eisenkot on […]

“Propaganda organization”: White Helmets “engage in anti-Assad activities”

Although some members of the Western-supported White Helmets may be in the business of saving lives, the group is also a “propaganda organization,” author Sy Hersh (Reporter: A Memoir) has told RT’s Going Underground.
The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist also spoke about reporting in the United States and how it changed under the Obama administration, as well as the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, UK.

Sen. Lindsey Graham Makes Surprise Visit to Syria, Calls for US Military to Stay

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Hawkish Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) made a surprise visit to Syria on Monday, stopping off in the city of Manbij, which is held by US and Turkish forces. Graham delivered a speech clearly designed to attack the idea of a US pullout from Syria. There is no official plan for the US to withdraw from Syria. […]

Iranian President to meet EU leaders, discuss diplomacy, JCPOA, and Middle East

European signatories to the nuclear non proliferation agreement with Iran, termed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) have been repeating their commitment to the deal since Trump’s withdrawal in May. However, up until now, no concrete measures have materialized which demonstrate the European resolve to ensure that the economic benefits to Iran of sticking with the deal. Meanwhile, Iran has been declaring that they are not going to remain with the JCPOA and will return to their enrichment programs if Europe doesn’t come through.