
As Many as 20% of Refugees Return Home in Syria’s Province of Hama – Governor

Sputnik – 08.07.2018 About 20 percent of refugees have returned from temporary housing to their homes in the province of Hama after the liberation of the region from militants, Hama governor Mohammad Abdullah Hazzouri told reporters. “Across the province of Hama about 20 percent of residents have returned to their homes from temporary accommodation facilities. […]

Ecology: The Keystone Science

A missing piece from most critiques of modern capitalism revolves around the misunderstanding of ecology. To put it bluntly, there will be no squaring the circle of mass industrial civilization and an inhabitable Earth. There is no way for energy and resource use, along with all the strife, warfare, and poverty that comes along with it, to continue under the business as usual model that contemporary Western nations operate under.

Ceasefire agreement reached with leaders of armed groups in Syria’s Deraa province – Russian MoD

RT | July 7, 2018 A ceasefire agreement has been reached with leaders of armed groups in Syria’s Deraa province, Russia’s Defense Ministry has said. The leaders also agreed to surrender weaponry, according to the ministerial statement. “Following negotiations mediated by the Russian Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria in the province of […]

BBC Misrepresent OPCW Report to Uphold UK FCO Narrative on Douma

Video – thanks to Skwawkbox who managed to record the original BBC report making the claim that “chlorine was used” in Douma… we have clear evidence of the BBC either lying outright or being unable to read the OPCW report correctly. The BBC later changed the headline on their report to read ” Syria war: ‘Possible chlorine’ at Douma attack […]
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Syria – OPCW Issues First Report Of ‘Chemical Weapon Attack’ in Douma

On April 7 2018 Syrian ‘rebels’ claimed that the Syrian government used chlorine gas and Sarin in an attack on the besieged Douma suburb near capital Damascus. They published a series of videos which showed the dead bodies of mainly women and children. During the night the incident allegedly happened Douma was hit with artillery and air strikes in retaliation […]

Syrian Rebels Reach Deal With Russia to End Violence in the South

(ANTIWAR.COM) — On Friday afternoon, Syrian rebels confirmed that a deal was reached with Russian and Jordanian negotiators to end the offensive in Daraa Province, and bring the region back under de facto government control. Under the deal, Russian military police will take the border crossings, and will guarantee the return of displaced civilians and rebels who want to end […]

Israel to attack Syrian forces if they move into border zone: Israeli minister

Press TV – July 5, 2018 An Israeli minister has warned Syria that Israel could strike Syrian government troops if they are stationed in a border zone subjected to a UN demilitarization agreement, a few days after Tel Aviv announced that it had beefed up its military presence in the occupied Golan Heights near the […]

Syria is calling its people home

Now that the Syrian government has liberated the majority of terrorist held areas, the government is calling on its citizens who have fled from the violence to return home. The government is offering security to its citizens in those liberated areas and is also calling on the international community to contribute towards the voluntary efforts of Syrians to return to their homeland.