
Western Imperialism Uproots Millions and Blames Victims

Prof James Petras writes… “Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Colombia, Mexico witnessed the flight of millions of immigrants — all victims of US and EU wars. Washington and Brussels blamed the victims and accused the immigrants of illegality and criminal conduct . The West debates expulsion, arrest and jail instead of reparations for crimes against humanity and…

Assessing the Putin-Trump Helsinki summit: neither a breakthrough nor a damp squib but a possible start towards detente

By Alexander Mercouris | The Duran | July 18, 2018 The summit meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin has finally taken place in Helsinki to thunderous condemnation on the part of many in the West. Some talk luridly of the beginning of the end of the West  Others talk hysterically of treason. Others see […]

US-Backed Forces in Syria Holding 600 Foreign Fighters From Over 40 Countries

(MEMO) — The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are currently holding nearly 600 foreign fighters in custody, the Pentagon told reporters yesterday. “As of July 2018 there are nearly 600 Foreign Terrorist Fighters from more than 40 countries in SDF custody,” Pentagon spokesman Navy Commander Sean Robertson said, adding that the US military was also aware of […]

A Tale of Two Poisonings

The Salisbury and Douma attacks are illustrative of just what happens when a government is prepared to dissimulate or even lie to go the extra mile to make a case to justify preemptive action that otherwise might be challenged. Theresa May is, unfortunately, still in power and so is Donald Trump. In a better world an outraged public would demand that they be thrown out of office and even possibly subjected to the tender ministrations of the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Henningsen: ‘US Can Help Refugee Crisis By Lifting Sanctions and Getting Out of Syria’

21st Century Wire | July 18, 2018 One potentially positive outcome from Monday’s Trump-Putin Summit in Helsinki, Finland was a clear signal that both leaders have talked about cooperating in Syria, rather than treating each other as geopolitical adversaries at the expense of Syria’s own welfare. While this has been received with fury by the […]

"Authoritarian Gold Bugs" Strike Again! Venezuela & Turkey Cooperate

 Authoritarian Gold bugs is a reference to this previous post:

As reported for years at this blog. The US has been targeting Turkey. Turkish leadership knows this and has taken a number of measures to protect the country.One such example of this move to self defense from potential US attacks is rather obvious in the purchase of the Russian S-400.