
Merkel takes heat for secret meeting with Russian officials

Merkel held a secret meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and head Russian staff general Valery Gerasimov, who was barred from entry by sanctions imposed in 2014 over the Crimean issue. As far as what Merkel let on, the meeting covered the conflict in the Middle East, specifically Syria, and the conflict in the Ukraine. But German opposition parties are not taking Merkel’s tight lipped position on the specific details of what was discussed on these issues sitting down. They want to know what was discussed, and why the meeting was not announced.

Macedonia’s NATO accession talks have begun

In its mission to further develop a growing alliance to fend off the Russian aggression threat, NATO is officially engaging in talks with Macedonia. Following Crimea’s ‘annexation’ by Russia, Russia is perceived as a very grave threat by some European nations which seem to fear something like that happening to them. A High NATO Delegation has taken place in Skopje, headed up by the leader of the Euro-Atlantic & Global Partnership office of NATO.

Of Genocide and Those Who Do Nothing

Of genocide one thing becomes clear: the perpetrators are usually governments. The perpetrators may be cliques within the government, using the government, but the organization of such cataclysmic events is beyond the skills of amateurs.  So it isn’t a surprise that the domain of preventing genocides is as tightly controlled as the mechanisms of punishment.

The Madness That Is Gripping Washington

The United States and Israel have been threatening Iran for something like twenty years, using the pretext that it was developing a nuclear weapon initially, but also more recently declaring that Tehran has become a threat to the entire Middle East. Both contentions are essentially lies, concocted by an Israel and Saudi Arabia that would prefer to have Iran removed as a possible impediment to their own ambitions. And they would like the United States to do the removing.

‘Evacuation of White Helmets Shows That It is Western Product’ – Military Expert

Sputnik – July 26, 2018 Hundreds of members of the so-called Syrian Civil Defense, the White Helmets, have been evacuated from southwestern Syria to Jordan, via the occupied Golan Heights by the Israelis. Sputnik discussed this operation with military experts Amin Hteit and Vladimir Fitin. During the Syrian conflict, the activists of the White Helmets have […]

What’s Past is Prologue: ‘Rescuing’ the White Helmets & Storing Up Future Trouble…

You will have seen the headlines over the last week, concerning the ‘evacuation’ of the White Helmets from Syria. With the regime-change operation in Syria appearing to have stalled in either stalemate or failure (depending on who you ask), the Western-funded proxies had to be rescued – probably before Syrian government forces could capture them, […]