
Jo Cox, Her Assassination, the White Helmets, “Humanitarianism,” and Regime Change

It is no coincidence that some of the world’s most ardent imperialists are behind the cynical exploitation of one heinous murder — of British MP Jo Cox — to enable global mass-murder as well as human trafficking under the pretext of “ethical” and “humanitarian” intervention. Just over two years ago, the senseless and savage murder of British Labour Party MP […]

British journalist uncovers massive gun running to jihadist in Syria

Western governments have been in the limelight many times over illegal arms trade. The Fast and Furious scandal is just one example. No matter how many times they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar, public outrage never reaches the tipping point necessary to bring it to an end. They always try to find a new way to sneak arms to their ‘moderates’.
Sputnik reports

Russians use jamming to impair US communications equipment, navigation systems, and aircraft in Syria

The American military is now alleging that Russians are employing electronic warfare on American equipment in Syria. The problem, they say, is that these jamming attempts by the Russians jam communications and navigation and knock out key electrical components, risking major mistakes and confrontations. It’s the first time that Americans have had to contend with the issue in all of their experience waging bloody wars in the Middle East.

Russia tells the Jewish state “We can’t force Iran out of Syria”

Russian envoy to Tel-Aviv, Anatoly Viktorov, said in an interview on Monday that Russia cannot meet Israel’s demands to expel Iranian forces from Syria’s sovereign territory. He also indicated that Russia couldn’t do anything about Israel’s airstrikes there, either. Instead, Viktorov pointed out that Iran was actually being helpful in Syria in the battle against terrorism in war torn Middle Eastern country, and for that reason as well, it would not make sense to force them out.

Russia sends more goodies to help Assad in upcoming offensive against ISIS

As the last jihadi controlled areas in southwestern Syria have been liberated by the Syrian government, the Russians are literally sending a boatload of fresh military goodies to help Bashar al-Assad cleanse his nation of jihadist radicals. A Russian cargo ship is on the way to Tartus loaded with military aid to help Assad in an upcoming operation against ISIS and other Western propped ‘moderate’ radicals in the Idlib province.
Almasdar reports

Houthi forces bring the fight to the Saudis

In the wake of the Saudi seige on the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah, Houthi forces have been on the advance. On Sunday, Houthi forces ramped up their operations in southern Saudi Arabia itself. Meanwhile, they dealt serious damage to Saudi positions near the Alib Cross, as well as an assault on the strategic Al-Dukhan Mountain, where they won a major conflict earlier in the week.
Al Masdar reports:

As the Syrian War Draws to a Close, What Has Australia Learned

A reception in honor of the then President of Syria, Shukri al-Quwatli in Bangalore
In August 2015 the Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop announced that the government was considering becoming involved in the war in Syria, some four years after that conflict had escalated to an all out assault on the Syrian government by a patchwork of opposition groups.