
‘Tip of the Iceberg’: Amnesty Demands Probe of Civilians Massacred by US in Raqqa

(CD) — Amnesty International on Monday is urging the U.S.-led military coalition targeting the Islamic State in Syria to launch an independent investigation into the full scale of civilian carnage it may have caused in its brutal Raqqa offensive last year. The siege took place between June and October 2017—right after Defense Secretary James “Mad Dog” Mattis announced the […]

The Israeli Buffer Zone On The Syrian Territory Will Have To Wait

By Khaled AL-KASSIMI | ORIENTAL REVIEW | August 4, 2018 On May 18th 2017, 27 Syrian army vehicles drove within 18 miles of al-Tanf, which breached the U.S.-declared 34-mile radius of the army convoy’s operations resulting  in the U.S. forces striking the Syrian Army. It should be noted that al-Tanf (an American military base) operated […]

Zionist Media: ‘Israel’ Involved in Assassination of Syrian Scientist Aziz Azbar

Al-Manar | August 6, 2018 Israeli media outlets reported Monday that the Zionist Mossad intelligence agencywas involved in the assassination of Syrian scientist Aziz Azbar, head of the Syrian Scientific Research and Studies Center, in the city of Masyaf in Hamah province on Saturday. The Zionist media reports stressed that this operation comes in the […]

China May Join Government of Syria in Idlib Offensive Against US-backed Rebels

DAMASCUS, SYRIA — China’s ambassador to Syria, Qin Qianjin, recently told Syria’s Al Watan news service that the Chinese military may soon join the conflict as the Syrian government, along with its allies, sets its sights on retaking the parts of Syria that remain under the control of extremist groups, specifically Syria’s Idlib province.

Porkins Great Game episode 18 Grey Wolves, Marxist Sex Cults, and NATO

Christoph and I are back!  After a long hiatus we have returned with a jam packed episode.  In the first segment we discuss the bizarre “bomb plot” to attack the recent MEK Summit in Paris.  Then we explore the allegations that this was orchestrated by the Iranian government and the bogus claims by the West and Israel about a network of sleeper cells across Europe.  We then turn to a discussion about those swept up in the investigation–including an Iranian diplomat from Austria.

Tehran Reveals Terms of Its Withdrawal From Syria

Sputnik – 04.08.2018 Iran might decrease its military presence in Syria and even leave altogether after the situation in the war-torn country normalizes and the fight against terrorism there brings significant results, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi said. “As soon as we see that Syria is close to certain stability, and the fight against […]