
How Putin and Trump put an end to the war against Syria

The Western Press continues to support the elite transnational financiers and to scorn the actions of President Trump. This attitude makes it difficult to understand the progress made towards peace in Syria. Thierry Meyssan looks at the agreements reached during the last five months and the rapid progress on the ground.
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Afghanistan Becomes Ground Zero for an ISIS Resurgence

Over the past few months, ISIS has renewed its efforts to expand its influence in Afghanistan. While ISIS cells are active in most of the country, ISIS’ main stronghold is the province Nangarhar.
ISIS in Afghanistan has received additional manpower for its expansion from Syria and Iraq where the terrorist group’s self-proclaimed caliphate was recently defeated. Many ISIS field commanders and fighters fled the country and joined the Afghan branch of the terrorist group.

Israel’s Lieberman Fumes Over Stability in Syria, Fears Recapture of Golan Heights

Syria is building up its ground forces to pre-war size according to Israel. On August 7th, Israel’s Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman spoke in front of reporters during a tour of the Golan Heights. “Across the way we see the Syrian military, which is not satisfied with just taking over all of Syrian territory but is expressly building a broad-based, new ground army that will return to its previous proportions and beyond,” Lieberman commented. He also added that Israel follows all developments and is ready for any scenario.

US Sanctions Turkey Over the arrest of CIA Pastor Brunson

The sanctions against Turkey have been coming for a long time now. They are the next step in the war that has long been waged against Turkey.Notice I said the next step? Not the first step? That's because there have been many attacks already made against Turkey...  I've covered many of them since 2013. Just a few in no particular order: