
The Uyghur Militant Threat: China Cracks Down and Mulls Policy Changes

China, responding to United Nations criticism, academic and media reports, and an embarrassing court case in Kazakhstan, has come closer to admitting that it has brutally cracked down on the strategic north-western province of Xinjiang in what it asserts is a bid to prevent the kind of mayhem that has wracked countries like Syria and Libya.

UN Report Estimates 20,000 to 30,000 ISIS Fighters Left in Iraq and Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — A new report from the United Nations on ISIS estimates that despite the “defeat” of the group in both Iraq and Syria, somewhere between 20,000 and 30,000 ISIS fighters remain in the two countries, roughly half of them in each. Having lost all towns and cities, ISIS has mostly sent its fighters into the deserts along […]

The US’ Rebuff Of Russia’s Cooperation Request In Syria Shows Its Cynicism

By Andrew KORYBKO – Oriental Review – 13/08/2018 The head of the Russian Armed Forces General Staff Valery Gerasimov asked his closest American counterpart Joseph Dunford to assist his country in jointly stabilizing Syria. Reuters reported that the proposal to cooperate on the repatriation of refugees and reconstruction projects in the Arab Republic was met […]

The Sun Doesn't Rise Because the Rooster Crows: Turkey's Currency Crisis Created To Force an IMF Bailout

I've been reading about Turkey's currency crisis 'round the net. There seem to be some authors that are confusing correlation with causation.These op/eds put forth the idea that the fundamentals of Turkey's economy are the reason for the currency crisis.   I disagree and suggest that these persons are confusing correlation and causation.Explainer:

Turkey and Russia Coordinate for the Move on Idlib- Moving Terrorists Eastward?

I'm not using the Janes lingo of Russia pressuring Turkey.

 There is no need for "pressure"  since Russia, Turkey and Iran have coordinated all this time via their Astana partnership.

Erdogan and Putin were in contact today and it's very likely Idlib was discussed along with the situation with the Turkish lira- I'm going to get to that asap. For now Idlib.