
The Sticky Situation of the Idlib Offensive

More on Idlib. It’s from the Atlantic Council- so you gotta be aware of the presentation, but, I’ll bold the info I find interesting- This post will not contain the entire oped.Syrian Army soldiers loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad forces are seen in Idlib, Syria January 21, 2018. Picture taken January 21, 2018. How Idlib is handled is critical to Syria's future.

UN Report Finds ISIS Given “Breathing Space” in US-Occupied Areas of Syria

NEW YORK — A recent report from the UN Security Council’s Sanctions Monitoring Team has found that many of the places in Syria where the terror group Daesh (ISIS) continues to operate, recuperate and extract oil for profit are in areas of the country occupied by the United States.
According to the report’s executive summary:

ISIS Given ‘Breathing Space’ in US-Occupied Areas of Syria: UN Report

By maintaining an ISIS pocket in the territory it occupies, the U.S. can continue to justify its illegal presence in the country for the long-term, ultimately substituting Iran for ISIS as its new regional boogeyman. (MPN Op-ed) — A recent report from the UN Security Council’s Sanctions Monitoring Team has found that many of the places in Syria where the […]

Israel’s “Loyal” Druze move into Open Revolt

Israel’s small Druze community, long seen as “loyal” to the state, is on a collision course with the right-wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu over a new law guaranteeing superior citizenship rights for Jews, according to analysts.
Israel has traditionally cited the Druze, a secretive religious sect whose men serve in the Israeli army, as proof that non-Jews can prosper inside a self-declared Jewish state.

Firas Tlass: SAA Will Invade Idleb with Russian and Turkish Help

Firas Tlass: SAA Will Invade Idleb with Russian and Turkish Help  When I stumbled across this latest article my first thought was ‘wow, that’s a blast from the past’ Long, long time readers might remember the spin around the man named Manaf Tlass and his exit from Syria. Firas Tlass is Manaf’s brother.

The Road to Idlib and Beyond, Where Next for Syria? – Peter Ford

Written by Peter Ford, former UK Ambassador to Syria 2003 – 2006 With military operations in the South virtually over, attention inevitably turns to the North and specifically to Idlib province, the last major redoubt of the armed opposition to the Syrian government. A number of other challenges, however, lie ahead besides Idlib before the…