
US Rejected Holding Off Iran Sanctions for Pullback of Iranian Forces From Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — According to national security adviser John Bolton, the US rejected a proposal to hold off on the re-imposition of sanctions against Iran in return for a “rollback” of Iranian forces from Syria. Bolton was vague on this offer, beyond suggesting it came from Russia. He wasn’t clear if “holding off” on the sanctions meant a delay or […]

Over 63,000 Russian Troops Have Fought in Syria Since 2015

(MEMO) — The Russian military has revealed that over 63,000 troops from its armed forces have fought in Syria since Moscow entered the conflict in 2015, involvement that has turned the tide of the war in the regime’s favour. The deployment has included some 434 generals over the past three years, and about 90 percent of Russian […]

Coalition Delivers 800 Trucks & Equipment to YPG/PKK Held Territory in Syria

The report is from SOHR- I've no reason to disbelieve it.Considering SOHR is an outlet for the coalition and has long supported the destabilization/balkanization of Syria. A video is available at the link belowClearly the US is going nowhere- the negotiations between the SDF/YPG/PKK and Damascus are 100% disingenuous. Deceitful. Duplicitous. Dishonest.That reality inspired this post 

The Three Musketeers, Poison Gas, and Dead Schoolkids

By Michael Howard | American Herald Tribune | August 23, 2018 Winking and nodding to the “freedom fighters” hunkered down in the northwestern Syrian province of Idlib, the world’s schoolmarm (formally known as The West) has issued a stern warning to President Bashar al-Assad: don’t use chemical weapons “again,” or else. Said warning came via […]

US Warns Assad “We Will Respond” If Chemical Weapons Used in Idlib Offensive

(ZHE Op-ed) — Here we go again. Did Bolton just give jihadists facing imminent final defeat under Assad and Russian bombs an open door invitation to initiate a chemical provocation? As CNN and others warned this week that Syrian and Russian forces are closing in on the “last rebel stronghold” in Syria in the country’s northwest pocket of Idlib province, US […]

France, US, UK "warn Assad" & Threaten Intervention If Chemical Weapons are Deployed in Idlib

How timely is that warning? Really?Like you could set your watch to that! It was exactly what I'd expected. Just needed to see the reporting on it to know if my suspicions were well founded. And, of course, they wereRehashing: I wrote a series of posts beginning back about two weeks ago on the plan, or what looks to me to be a plan of the Astana 3, to return Idlib back to the central Syrian government.As smoothly as possible in order to avoid intervention on the part of the “alliance”  and their PKK proxies.