
Russia Accuses Britain of Planning ‘False Flag’ Chemical Attack in Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — With US officials issuing statements threatening to attack Syria if chemical weapons are used in the invasion of rebel-held Idlib Province, Russian officials are increasingly concerned that exactly such a pretext for war is to be staged. READ: US Warns Assad “We Will Respond” If Chemical Weapons Used in Idlib Offensive Russia issued a statement Saturday claiming that […]

About Half of Syrian Al-Diabiya Residents Return Home After City Liberation

Sputnik – 27.08.2018 AL-DIABIYA About half of the residents of the Syrian city of Al-Diabiya in Damascus province have returned to their homes after the city was freed from the militants, the local administration said on Monday. “Before the war, there were 70,000 people living in Al-Diabiya. Now 35,000 have already returned,” Abdullah Ahmad, the […]

Jeremy Corbyn is Being Destroyed

The latest “scandal” gripping Britain – or to be more accurate, British elites – is over the use of the term “Zionist” by the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, the head of the opposition and possibly the country’s next prime minister.
Yet again, Corbyn has found himself ensnared in what a small group of Jewish leadership organisations, which claim improbably to represent Britain’s “Jewish community”, and a small group of corporate journalists, who improbably claim to represent British public opinion, like to call Labour’s “anti-semitism problem”.

Israeli military can’t avoid defeat in spite of advanced weapons: Nasrallah

Press TV – August 26, 2018 The secretary general of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement says the Israeli military cannot escape defeat despite its apparent capabilities, stressing that thousands of Israeli troops are now seeking mental health treatment. Addressing his supporters via a televised speech broadcast from the Lebanese capital city of Beirut on Sunday […]

Syria: US Signals To Russia They Will Hit Syria if Chemical Weapons are Deployed

 Is it possible, should there be a 'chemical weapons' attack in Syria, that there will be in automatic, immediate attack launched by the coalition? No pretext of going through the UN to add the aura of legitimacy to that which was desired all along? No trying to figure out if a chemical attack will have actually happened or who did the deed?  Nothing like that. Just a claim of chemicals weapons use and boom- the US/coalition hits? Bloomberg:

John S. McCain, proponent of U.S. global dominance, dies aged 81

John S. McCain III, the senior US senator from Arizona who took a leading role in U.S. foreign policy, is no more. He was 81.
Diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer last summer, the senator’s family had announced just prior to his death that he would discontinue medical treatment.
McCain served as a Republican in the US Senate for over 30 years, taking office in 1987. That followed several years as a representative for Arizona’s 1st district, beginning in 1983.