
Russia Deeply Concerned by US Military Preparing for Potential Strike on Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — Following up on concerns expressed over the weekend that a “false flag” attack might be used as a pretext for a US attack on Syria, Russian Defense Ministry officials say they are deeply concerned by signs of a US military buildup around the area, seemingly setting up for just such an attack. READ: Russia Accuses Britain of Planning […]

Iran president to host Syrian, Turkish counterpart for Syria talks

Press TV – August 27, 2018 The presidents of Iran, Russia, and Turkey will hold their third round of tripartite summit in Iran next week in an attempt to find ways to end the ongoing crisis in Syria, Turkish state television says. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will host his Turkish and Russian counterparts Recep Tayyip […]

Inside the “Humanitarian” Regime-Change Network Exploiting Jo Cox’s Death

LONDON — The Jo Cox Fund, set up in memory of the slain MP soon after her death in 2016, was established by a cadre of pro-interventionist “humanitarians” with a history of involvement in past regime-change operations and whose connections to some of the world’s most ardent imperialists, as well as the Not for Profit Industrial Complex (NPIC), are legion.

Idlib Will be the Final Test of Turkish-Russian Cooperation in Syria

As the forces of the Syrian Arab Army prepare to move on the last major terrorist enclave in northwestern Syria, time looks like it may be running out for the various terror groups supported by Turkey and the Gulf monarchies throughout the Syrian war. The nation of Turkey may also be in trouble since they have been in charge of the de-confliction zone in Idlib for some time but have chosen to use the area as a hub for rallying terrorist groups for other ambitions instead.