
‘Let’s F***ing Kill Him’: Trump Reportedly Wanted Assad Assassinated

(MEE) — In an explosive new book by veteran journalist Bob Woodward, US President Donald Trump allegedly told Defence Secretary James Mattis that he wanted Syrian President Bashar al-Assad assassinated after a chemical attack in Syria in April 2017. “Let’s f***ing kill him! Let’s go in. Let’s kill the f***ing lot of them,” Trump told Mattis. The Washington […]

Syrian Air Defenses Intercept an Agressive Israeli Attack from Beirut


Damascus, SANA-A military source said on Tuesday that the army air defenses intercepted an Israeli aggression with warplanes that infiltrated on a low altitude from west of Beirut into the north targeting a number of military sites in Tartous and Hama.

The source added that the army air defenses downed a number of the hostile missiles and forced the attacking warplanes to flee.

Turkey Green Lights Syria/Russian Idlib Op - Hayat Tarir Al Sham Designated A Terror Group

The Astana 3 had agreed that Turkey would have a set amount of time to "convince” HTS to lay down arms. To not wage war against SAA. It's being reported that Turkey, last week, designated HTS a terror group. Which indicates a negotiations fail.Despite what some may think, this is quite likely, not a good sign for Idlib, Syria, Russia, Iran, Turkey,  civilians or the situation in Syria as it pertains to taking back the east. And that more smooth return I had hoped for!  -Not a perfect return. -Not a bloodless return.Since, that was never going to be the case.

Trump Warns “Hundreds of Thousands” Could Be Killed in Syria’s Idlib

It seems to happen just about every September and April over the past years: every time the Syrian proxy war seems to have receded from international media attention for a period of a long summer or a winter, a mass attention-grabbing event or massacre happens to suddenly yank the world’s (and the White House’s) focus right back on the war and a return to intervention and escalation mode
And curiously, this seems to occur the moment Assad and the Syrian Army alongside the Russians are on the path to overwhelming victory.

Ron Paul: Why Can’t the United States Just Leave Syria Alone?

(RPI Opinion) — Assad was supposed to be gone already. President Obama thought it would be just another “regime change” operation and perhaps Assad would end up like Saddam Hussein or Yanukovych. Or maybe even Gaddafi. But he was supposed to be gone. The US spent billions to get rid of him and even provided weapons and training […]