
Israeli Military Admits to Arming Syrian Rebels, Then Censors Story

(ANTIWAR.COM) — The Jerusalem Post, a major Israeli newspaper, published an article on Wednesday quoting Israeli military officials as saying that they had been providing seven different Syrian rebel groups with “large amounts of cash, weapons and ammunition.” Though the report did not name all of the rebel factions subsidized by Israel, it did name Fursan al-Joulan, a rebel […]

Nasrallah: Resistance Axis triumphs, US’ & Israel’s Wars are Over

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on August 14, 2018, for the celebration of the twelfth anniversary of the 2006 victory. Transcript: The 2006 War and ISIS, two US Projects for Israel’s Sake I seek refuge in God against the stoned devil. In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise be […]

Report on Israel funding Syrian rebels pulled on request of ‘army’s censor’

RT | September 5, 2018 IDF has forced the Jerusalem Post to remove its explosive report on the Israeli military giving weapons to the Syrian rebels, the newspaper’s managing editor confirmed to RT. “We were told by the army’s military censor to remove that part of the story,” David Brinn, the managing editor of the Jerusalem […]

One Year After Calling Idlib “Al Qaeda’s Largest Safe Haven Since 9/11,” the US Govt is Trying to Save it

WASHINGTON – As the Syrian government and its allies prepare to begin a military offensive against the last rebel-held province in the country, top U.S. government officials and even U.S. President Donald Trump have recently urged Syria to refrain from “recklessly” attacking the Idlib province, warning that it could result in a high civilian death toll. These recent statements of U.S.

Armageddon in Idlib

A showdown between the US and Russia is coming over Syria. Our sources inside Syria tell us that Russia began building up capabilities to support the Syrian Arab Army’s retaking of Idlib Province as early as June 2018. Included with new T90 tanks and advanced missile-based artillery are new air defense capabilities as well, along with ECM or electronic counter measures capabilities.