
Idlib & The Status Quo: The Trump Resistance

My impressions based on the earliest news reports from the Astana 3/Tripartite Summit is that the status quo (the existing state of affairs) will be maintained regarding Idlib.Instead of updating the previous post, Idlib Crunch Time: Kurds "renew" Claim for Idlib. Astana 3 in Iran- Staus Quo Or Escalation?, I've opted for an entirely new one. For now the status quo is the least worse option for Syria &the surrounding area. 

Watch | Israel Censors News on IDF Funding and Support of Syrian Rebels

The Israeli military is censoring news reports on Israel providing weapons and supplies to militant groups in Syria. The Jerusalem Post was told by the military censor to remove its story “IDF Confirms: Israel Provided Light-Weapons To Syrian Rebels”. However, the report providing details on the transfer of significant amounts of cash, weapons and ammunition to militants in southern Syria is still available via Google cache.

Nikki Haley: “US Will Not Remain A Passive Observer As Nicaragua Becomes Another Venezuela Or Syria”

The US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley warned the UN Security Council on Wednesday that Nicaragua is heading down the path that led to conflict in Syria and an economic collapse in Venezuela.
“With each passing day, Nicaragua travels further down a familiar path,” Haley told a meeting of the UN Security Council on the deteriorating environment in the Central American country. “It is a path that Syria has taken. It is a path that Venezuela has taken.”