
US Says Assad Has Approved Syrian Gas Attack, Setting Stage for Major Conflict

(ZHE Op-ed) — At this point there’s not even so much as feigning surprise or suspense in the now sadly all-too-familiar Syria script out of Washington. The Wall Street Journal has just published a bombshell on Sunday evening as Russian and Syrian warplanes continue bombing raids over al-Qaeda held Idlib, citing unnamed US officials who claim “President Bashar al-Assad of Syria has […]

Prospect of Russian-U.S. Hostilities in Syria at All-Time High

As Syrian forces backed by Russia launch the final showdown in Syria against jihadist extremists in Idlib province, the potential for a U.S.-Russia confrontation has never been greater, as VIPS warns in this memo to the president. September 9, 2018
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
SUBJECT: Moscow Has Upped the Ante in Syria
Mr. President:

" I Prowled the Front Lines of Idlib & Found No Massed Syrian Troops"

In two previous posts I'd mentioned the idea that the situation in Idlib would remain as it had been? Yes, SAA and Russia would launch airstrikes as they have for some time now.  But I'd also expressed concerns about an imminent move of ground forces because SAA had been infiltrated with Kurdish fighters- Or at the very least the USrael Kurds would have tried to infiltrate SAAI'll briefly revisit the previous information:

Russia Accuses US Jets of Striking Syrian Town With White Phosphorus Bombs

(MEMO) — Russia’s military said on Sunday that two US F-15 fighter jets dropped phosphorus bombs over Syria’s Deir al-Zor province on Saturday, the TASS and RIA news agencies reported, an allegation the United States denied, Reuters reports. The air strikes targeted the village of Hajin, the last major stronghold of Daesh in Syria, and resulted in fires, but there was no information […]