
US Warns New Attack on Syria Will Be “Much Stronger” Than Ever Before

(ANTIWAR.COM) — The offensive against rebel-held Idlib looms, and even though there is no real evidence that a chemical weapons attack might happen there, US officials have been making near daily accusations that this will be the case, and offering ever-more-bellicose threats. US officials are now saying that President Assad has personally approved such an attack already, and that […]

That Time CNN Staged a Fake Interview With a Syrian Child for War Propaganda

(CJ Opinion) — Imagine if you and some friends wandered into a completely dark room together for some reason. You’ve never been in this room before, and you can’t see a thing. Now imagine one of your friends says he can see everything in the room perfectly, and starts describing the different things that he sees in […]

US May Strike Syria Even If No Chemical Weapons Accusation Is Made: Report

(MPN) — As the temperature of Syrian conflict is rising dramatically ahead of the Syrian government’s anticipated military offensive in the Idlib province, a new report published in the Wall Street Journal has revealed that President Donald Trump may not even wait for an accusation over the Syrian government’s alleged use of chemical weapons to launch a strike against the government […]

US Says Assad Has Approved Gas Attack In Idlib, Setting Stage For Major Military Conflict

By Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge – 09/10/2018 At this point there’s not even so much as feigning surprise or suspense in the now sadly all-too-familiar Syria script out of Washington. The Wall Street Journal has just published a bombshell on Sunday evening as Russian and Syrian warplanes continue bombing raids over al-Qaeda held Idlib, citing unnamed […]

Skripal and Syria… The Imperative of Criminalizing Russia

By Finian CUNNINGHAM | Strategic Culture Foundation | 10.09.2018 There is a direct link between Britain’s sensational allegations against Russia in the Skripal affair and NATO’s losing covert war in Syria. That’s not just the opinion of critical observers. Britain’s ambassador to the United Nations made the explicit link when she called an “emergency meeting” […]

Moscow Has Just Upped the Ante in Syria

(CN) — As Syrian forces backed by Russia launch the final showdown in Syria against jihadist extremists in Idlib province, the potential for a U.S.-Russia confrontation has never been greater, as Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity warns in this memo to the president.  MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity SUBJECT: Moscow Has Upped the Ante […]

Report: Trump May Strike Syria Even if No Chemical Weapons Accusation is Made

WASHINGTON – As the temperature of Syrian conflict is rising dramatically ahead of the Syrian government’s anticipated military offensive in the Idlib province, a new report published in the Wall Street Journal has revealed that President Donald Trump may not even wait for an accusation over the Syrian government’s alleged use of chemical weapons to launch a strike against the government and its military allies.