
Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson call out chemical weapons hoaxes in Syria (Video)

As she was talking about her favorite topic with Tucker Carlson last week, illegal immigration and the wall, Ann Coulter veered a bit off topic to reveal what we here at The Duran have known for six months, and coincidently what Tucker Carlson also knew at the time, that the chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria was a staged false flag hoax.

Ron Paul: Why the Heck Are We Siding With Al-Qaeda in Syria?

(RPI Opinion) — Last week, I urged the Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to stop protecting al-Qaeda in Syria by demanding that the Syrian government leave Idlib under al-Qaeda control. While it may seem hard to believe that the US government is helping al-Qaeda in Syria, it’s not as strange as it may seem: our interventionist foreign […]

White Helmets Currently Staging “False Flag” Chemical Attack in Idlib

DAMASCUS, SYRIA — Russian military sources, as cited by Sputnik News, have reported that footage depicting what they have identified as a false-flag chemical weapons attack in Syria’s Idlib province is currently being filmed and is expected to be sent to different international television channels before the end of the day. The news has sparked concern that the promised retaliation from the U.S., U.K. and France could be less than a day away.

Filming of False Flag ‘Chemical Attack’ in Syria’s Idlib Has Begun: Russian MoD

(ZHE Op-ed) — Russian state media channels, in a near simultaneous blitz of information, have issued breaking alerts this morning that anti-Assad insurgents in Idlib have begun filming “fake footage of chemical attacks” based on Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) statements. The Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation says the “fake footage of chemical attacks” is expected to be […]

Target Syria

Will a new war be the October Surprise? By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • September 11, 2018 It’s official. The Syrian Army assisted by Russian air support is closing in on the last major pocket of terrorists remaining in the country in the province of Idlib near Aleppo. The United States, which has trained […]

Russia begins largest ever military drills

Russia conducted a number of drills in August and early September in the build-up to Vostok 2018 [Russian MoD]
Russia today launched its larged military exercise in nearly four decades, involving hundreds of thousands of troops and thousands of pieces of military hardware in all branches of its armed forces.
Chinese forces will also participate in the six-day exercise, titled Vostok 2018, contributing some 3,200 troops 900 pieces of military hardware and 30 fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters.