
Partitioning of Syria is drawing China into the theater of war (Video)

The law of unintended consequences has forced China’s hand in Syria.
As the battle for Idlib draws near, China is set to fight Al Qaeda trained Uyghur jihadists in Syria in order to help the Syrian government retake their territory, preventing those very jihadist terrorists from returning to Xinjiang province and sewing the seeds of partition in China.

New York Times goads Trump into major new war in Syria

“The Trump administration has made clear that its top priority in the Middle East is to thwart Iran’s nuclear and regional ambitions. So why is it so reluctant to lift a finger against Tehran’s most audacious gambit in Syria?” demands the columnist, Bret Stephens, referring to Idlib.
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Watch: Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out Trump for Protecting Al-Qaeda in Syria

(ZHE) — In a rare and unprecedented speech delivered on the House floor just two days after the nation memorialized 9/11, Democratic Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on Thursday slammed Washington’s longtime support to anti-Assad jihadists in Syria, while also sounding the alarm over the current build-up of tensions between the US and Russia over the Syria crisis. She […]

UN chief urges talks to avoid Idlib bloodbath, while NATO threatens war to defend terrorists

Now that the “rebels” are seen for what they are – at last, despite massive Western media deception – the UN bureaucrats are playing the “humanitarian card.” Secretary General Guterres claims that for Syria “there is no military solution.” He wants Syria and Russia to call off their offensive on Idlib. What for? To buy time in order to give the terrorists an escape route to some other country?

The Monopolistic Agenda Behind Regime Change Chaos

Prior to 2011, Syria was a prosperous Middle Eastern country. The Baathist government had taken tremendous steps to improve the lives of Syria’s people. Between 1970 and 2009, the life expectancy for Syrians increased by 17 years, and the infant mortality rate was reduced exponentially. According to the US Library of Congress, in 1981 forty-two percent of the Syrian adult population was illiterate, but just ten years later, in 1991, illiteracy had been wiped out by a mass educational campaign.

4 Reasons Why US Military Interventionism in Syria is Crazy and Stupid

(CJ Opinion) — As tensions continue to mount around the Al-Qaeda-held province of Idlib in Syria, the New York Times has published an op-ed by virulent neoconservative war whore Bret Stephens explaining that the US should intervene militarily in order to thwart the geopolitical agendas of Iran. He argues that any movement to recapture Idlib should be met with a full-scale assault on […]

Marines hold eight days of drills with militants in southern Syria

Press TV – September 14, 2018 US marines have held eight days of unprecedented military exercises with US-backed militants in southern Syria in an attempt to send a “strong message” to Iran and Russia, a senior military official said. Colonel Sean Ryan, a US military spokesman, described the drills as “a show of force,” saying […]