
Russia’s S-300 vs. Israel’s new F-35 in Syria: Who wins in a shootout?

Russia has delivered the formidable S-300 air and missile defense system to Syria.
However, it will still take several months for Syrian crews to learn how to operate the sophisticated air defense system under Russian tutelage. In the meantime, the weapons are almost certainly going to be operated by Russian military advisors.
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Faked concern: Haley & corporate media bleating about Idlib civilians, ignore terrorists’ presence

Partisangirl’s tweet here

-By Eva Bartlett

October 8, 2018,

*Blog post longer than original

Nikki Haley, the hypocritical US Ambassador to the UN, mistakenly thinks she can dictate – from New York City, far from the terrorists which her country supports – that the Syrian army cannot fight and eradicate al-Qaeda in Idlib.

Liberate Idlib and Syria: The Martyred of Mhardeh Speak Through the Ones They’ve Left Behind

MHARDEH, SYRIA — (War Report) On September 7, Mhardeh, a small Christian town in northern Hama, was targeted with nine Grad missiles — six of which were fitted with internationally-prohibited cluster sub-munitions — by al-Qaeda-affiliated terrorists roughly four kilometers away from the town center, occupying the northern Hama countryside areas of Ltamenah and surroundings. Four days later, I went to Mhardeh […]

SWEIDA: A Bloody Massacre Barely Registered by Western Media as ISIS Slaughter Innocent Civilians in their Sleep

On the 2nd October 2018, a young woman’s life was brought to a brutal end by a bullet from an ISIS executioner’s hand-gun. Mrs Thoraya Um Ammar was executed on video by the terrorist group more than two months after she and twenty five other women and children were kidnapped from the Sweida countryside, south of Damascus on July 25th 2018.  [Note: Numbers of […]

Druze Gather in Israeli-Occupied Golan Heights to Mark Support for Assad

© REUTERS / Ammar Awad Sputnik – 06.10.2018 Gathering along a fence separating them from the Syrian-controlled side of the Golan Heights, Druze commemorated the anniversary of the start of the 1973 Arab Israeli War while celebrating Syria’s successes in its recent war against the terrorists. Carrying Syrian flags, portraits of President Bashar Assad, binoculars […]

S-300s and Other Military Hardware for Syria

The Saker | Unz Review | October 5, 2018 This week Russian officials declared that the delivery of S-300s for Syria was completed and that this first batch included 49 pieces of “military equipment”, including radars, control vehicles and four launchers. Russian officials added that, if needed, this figure could be increased to 8-12 launchers. […]

The Lies of our (Financial) Times

By James Petras | Dissident Voice | October 4, 2018 The leading financial publications have misled their political and investor subscribers of emerging crises and military defeats which have precipitated catastrophic political and economic losses. The most egregious example is the Financial Times (FT) a publication which is widely read by the business and financial […]