
Israeli Air Force Shuns Attacks in Syria Since S-300 Delivery – Lawmaker

Sputnik – 05.11.2018 Russia has delivered 49 units of its sophisticated S-300 long-range surface-to-air missile systems to Syria in wake of the accidental destruction of a Russian Il-20 plane by Syrian air defenses responding to an Israeli attack. Ksenia Svetlova, who sits on the Israeli parliament’s defense committee has confirmed that Israeli warplanes had not […]

Lebanon’s President: Israeli Claims about Missile Sites “Bogus”

Al-Manar | November 5, 2018 Lebanese President Michel Aoun on Monday deprecated the Israeli enemy’s continuous claims about the presence of missile sites in populated areas in Lebanon, especially near Rafic Hariri International Airport. “These allegations are bogus and they are taking place while the Israeli violation of the Lebanese sovereignty persists,” Aoun said. The […]

Turkey calls on the US, Again, To Terminate Engagement with YPG/PKK

The “again” was included in the headline, because this is neither the first, second or third time that Turkey has called on the US in this regard.PKK is always included so it cannot be ignored, because it should not be ignored, that the US is cavorting, again, with known terrorists. Turkey on Saturday called on the U.S. to terminate its engagement with the terrorist group PYD/YPG in Syria.

Raqqa: A City Laid Waste, The Law Laid Low

“We must demonstrate that those who have committed the most serious crimes of international concern can have no place to hide. There must be no impunity for the horrendous acts taking place on a daily basis in Syria. There must be justice for the victims. It may take a long time. Sadly, I fear it will take a long time but there must be justice.”

Istanbul Summit on Syria Was a Success but Caveats Remain

I had wanted to write about the most recent Istanbul summit on Syria.  But time was not on my side. Fortunately MK BHADRAKUMAR wrote an excellent oped that expresses much of what should be said and a bit more!Istanbul summit had to have gone well, because, the 5 eyes media was deriding the meetings very heavily this week end.

It Is a New Era, But China’s Balancing Act Will Fail in the Middle East

Although ties between Washington and Tel Aviv are stronger than ever, Israeli leaders are aware of a vastly changing political landscape. The US’ own political turmoil and the global power realignment – which is on full display in the Middle East – indicate that a new era is, indeed, in the making.
Unsurprisingly, this new era involves China.