
With Tensions Mounting over Kerch Strait Incident, Will Ukraine Replace Syria as Focus for US’ Russia Containment Strategy?

SEVASTOPOL, CRIMEA — Seemingly out of nowhere, Ukraine nearly declared war on Russia over the weekend after a confrontation in the Kerch Strait, which straddles Crimea and the Russian mainland, between Ukrainian naval boats and Russian authorities that resulted in Russia seizing three Ukrainian navy vessels and 24 Ukrainian sailors.

Syrian Rebels Blamed for Massive Chemical Attack on Civilians in Aleppo

(ZHE Op-ed) — Over 100 civilians were hospitalized, including dozens of women and children, after anti-Assad militants unleashed a wave of mortars filled with poison gas on government controlled Aleppo Saturday evening. Syrian state-run SANA published multiple photos and video of victims in the city’s hospitals being treated for what’s reported to be chlorine gas exposure. Though it’s not the first […]

Syria & the Aleppo Chlorine Attack: LIHOP?

Here's hoping my readers are as open minded as I like to think they are?I'm aware this news broke last night and yes I did catch some of the earliest reports.The imminent use of "chemical weapons" from the demilitarized zone has been reported for quite some time now.  It's probably been mentioned here at least a half a dozen times. Considering the FACT that Iran, Russia and Turkey have Idlib surrounded it seems quite sensible they have a good handle on the going's on in that location. Not perfect. Not 100 percent. That's just not possible, in my opinion.