
With Azov Sea Events Stealing Spotlight, US Gathers Huge Military Force in and Around Syria

By Arkady SAVITSKY | Strategic Culture Foundation | 29.11.2018 While the world attention is riveted to the situation in the Azov Sea and the relationship between Russia and Ukraine, US forces are getting prepared for a large-scale military operation in Syria. US President Donald Trump announced this past March that the military personnel would be leaving Syria […]

L’Antidiplomatico Interview with Andre Vltchek

Alessandro Bianchi: Let’s start from today’s crisis in the Sea of Azov. The European Union and NATO have given full support to Ukraine after the violation of Russian sovereignty by two Ukrainian vessels. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg gave his full support to Poroshenko, who declared martial law. What does a country like Italy risk in continuing its accession to NATO?

ISIS to Launch False Flag Chemical Attack on Syrian Kurds: And Russian Military is Watching Closely

FILE PHOTO. Home-made munitions, used by militants in Syria. ©  Sputnik / Ilya Pitalev
Islamic State terrorists are plotting to shell Kurdish-led militia with chemical-filled munitions in Deir ez-Zor, Syria, Russian military said. The terrorists want to frame Damascus for the attack to trigger new US-led airstrikes.

ISIS to Launch False Flag Chemical Attack on Kurds To Frame Damascus

KurdIShIS: ISIS always helping the Kurds.  Always ready to serve when the coalition needs a hand to advance their agenda.Time and time again. Over and over and over and over.  Wash. Rinse. Repeat.How many ways can I say this is more of the same? And this news makes perfect sense considering all that has gone on, since 2011, with the Syrian destabilization. Don't worry, if they pull this off no serious harm will come to their symbiotic pals.. Though social media will claim otherwise- There will be videos.

Syria: Alleged Chemical Attack Elicits 180 Degree Response from West

On the heels of another alleged chemical attack in Syria – the Western media has responded with skepticism – even silence. This acutely different response to its regular “chemical weapons” hysteria is because unlike previous incidents, it appears this most recent attack was blatantly carried out by Western-backed militants operating in Idlib, Syria.

New Gas Attack in Syria Leaves Opposing Sides Blaming Each Other While Mainstream Media Falsely Blames Assad in Prior Attack

CBS tries to push the narrative that Syrian President Assad was responsible for a gas attack last April in Syria, which led to bombing by the US, UK and France, but the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) issued a report stating that it failed to find evidence of a gas attack.