
Senior "Syrian" Kurdish official calls on US to implement no-fly zone to protect Kurds from Turkey

I've explained endlessly how it is these aren't Syrian Kurds.... that's just spin.Kurdistan24

Jihan Sheikh Ahmed, the Kurdish co-head of the Defense Office in the self-administration of the north and east of Syria, said she would welcome any plans to establish a no-fly zone in the country’s northeast to prevent attacks by the Turkish government.

As if it's a given... The self administration zone. Did Damascus ok that? Or did Usrael?

From Central America to Syria: The Conspiracy against Refugees

Watching the ongoing debate between US liberal and right-wing pundits on US mainstream media, one rarely gets the impression that Washington is responsible for the unfolding crisis in Central America.
In fact, no other country is as accountable as the United States for the Central American bedlam and resulting refugee crisis.

Washington on Syria: Hidden Agendas, Interests and Objectives

By Elias SAMO | Strategic Culture Foundation | 04.12.2018 In the search to find exactly what American policy, interests and objectives are in Syria, one can refer to the United States Institute of Peace (“USIP”), which was established by Congress in 1984. According to Mona Yacoubian, a USIP Senior Advisor on Syria, the Middle East […]

5 Indicators the US Will Escalate Soon in Syria. And Beyond.

 I alluded to this fact in a post from a couple of days ago. This is something I’ve wanted to write about for nearly two weeks now, but, haven’t been able to get to.  Well today is the day.There have been recent indicators that the US is prepping an escalation in Syria which will spread into the wider region. As intended.

Recent House Foreign Affairs Testimony Lifts the Skirt on US Plans for Syria

In the search to find exactly what American policy, interests and objectives are in Syria, one can refer to the United States Institute of Peace (“USIP”), which was established by Congress in 1984. According to Mona Yacoubian, a USIP Senior Advisor on Syria, the Middle East and North Africa, the USIP seeks “to prevent and resolve violent conflicts abroad, in accordance with US national interests and values”.

Over 14,500 Syrian Deserters Granted Pardon by Assad’s Decree – Russian MoD

Sputnik – 04.12.2018 More than 14,500 Syrians who evaded the duties of military service, including among refugees and former members of illegal armed groups, were granted amnesty in Syria as of December 2, head of the Russian Defense Ministry’s Center for Syrian reconciliation Lt. Gen. Sergei Solomatin said on Sunday. “As part of the implementation […]

At Least 206 Civilians Killed in November by US Airstrikes in Syria

(ANTIWAR.COM) — The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has issued a new report over the weekend summarizing the massive civilian death toll of US-led airstrikes against a handful of eastern towns in Syria. At least 206 civilians were killed in November in those strikes. The strikes center on three towns and some adjoining villages under ISIS control along […]

U.S Led Coalition Strikes Syrian Army Positions in Syria's East

I've been so extremely busy the past few days.... Had that not been the case I would have informed my readers that I was expecting the coalition to escalate against Syria and why it was this was expected by your's truly.The reasoning for this will be provided as background, hopefully, tomorrow.For now the latest news has the US Led Coalition Striking Syrian Army Positions