
15,000 Syrian Rebels Ready to Back Turkish Military Against US-Backed Forces

(MEMO) — Up to 15,000 Syrian rebels are ready to join a Turkish military offensive against US-backed Kurdish forces in northeast Syria, but no date has been set for the operation, a spokesman for the main Turkish-backed Syrian rebel group said on Thursday, reported Reuters. President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday that Turkey would launch the offensive in a […]

Turkish Airstrikes Hit Sinjar, Iraq- Pentagon Warns Turkey. Again.

The move is not a shocker. The location is not a shocker either.Turkey has been clear that they will clear the PKK/YPG away from their border...The location has long been problematic. For Syria and Turkey.A route for the PKK to pass through from Iraq into Syria. Created by the US under the guise of "fighting ISIS" More then three years have passed since it was explained here what was really occurring in Sinjar, to the best of my understanding. 

Pentagon: Turkish Unilateral Action in Northeast Syria Would Be ‘Unacceptable’

Sputnik – 13.12.2018 WASHINGTON – A Turkish unilateral military operation in northeast Syria if launched would be unacceptable and Ankara should consult with the United States to address the security situation, Defense Department spokesperson Cmdr. Sean Robertson told Sputnik. Earlier, Ankara announced that the Turkish military would launch an operation against Kurdish forces. “Unilateral military […]

US erects ‘observation posts’ on Syria-Turkey border despite Ankara’s dissent

Press TV – December 12, 2018 The US military says it has established “observation posts” in northern Syria with the purported aim of preventing clashes between Turkish forces and US-backed Kurdish militants, despite Ankara’s strong opposition to the plan. “At the direction of Secretary (James) Mattis, the US established observation posts in the northeast Syria […]

In Syria the Entire Nation Mobilized, and Won

Yes, there is rubble, in fact total destruction, in some of the neighborhoods of Homs, Aleppo, in the outskirts of Damascus, and elsewhere.
Yes, there are terrorists and ‘foreign forces’ in Idlib and in several smaller pockets in some parts of the country.
Yes, hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives and millions are either in exile, or internally displaced.

Religion as a tool of colonialist power in WWI

As leaders from all around the world gathered to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of a war meant to end all wars, the aftermath of the bloody conflict nevertheless continue to resonate in many parts of the globe today.
Author and researcher Hanief Haider traces some of the trends and maneuvers from the pre-World War I era, such as Great Britain’s use of religious fervor to influence affairs in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), which persist today.