
Is Trump Really Bringing US Troops Home From Syria?

It would be nice to think the president has final say on foreign policy, given the U.S. Constitution. But the misleading troop withdrawal announcement, followed by Trump’s boastful tweet, suggests the exact opposite, says Patrick Lawrence. (CN Op-ed) — The announcement on Wednesday that the U.S. will withdraw all remaining troops from Syria within the next month looked at first […]

Khashoggi’s Murder and Trump’s Syria Withdrawal

In a momentous policy decision on Wednesday, the Trump administration has decided to pull out the US troops from Syria. Although the current redeployment of American troops will be limited only to northern Syria to appease the US-ally Turkey where it has been a longstanding demand of the Turkish President Erdogan that Turkey will not tolerate the presence of the[Read More...]

Why Did Trump Suddenly Order U.S. Troops Out Of Syria?

Military Industrial Complex Republicans seem extremely-- existentially-- upset that Trump tweeted an insinuation that he's pulling the 2,0000 American troops out of Syria. Listen to Adam Kinzinger (above) talking with Jake Tapper on CNN a few hours ago. Or to Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio (below)-- a real two for one:Many people just assumed Trump was doing his crazy Aderall-fueled early morning tweeting again and that his national security staff would talk him out of it. But...

Obfuscating NATO vs NATO with claims of US Troop Withdrawal

Repeat after me "The US is not withdrawing troops from Syria"Say it again. Let it sink in. "The US is not withdrawing troops from Syria" Accept that reality.  Multiple bases. One more then 500 acres in size. Airstrips galore.Free passage between Syria and Iraq for years "The US is not withdrawing troops from Syria" Embrace the facts.

The US to Exit Syria. Or a Turn for the Worse in Syria?

Breaking news?  Personally speaking, this is not believable.Most probably claiming an exit before the "shit hits the fan" between Turkey and the Usrael Kurdish proxies- The US is staying put. They just want you and I to believe otherwise. Don't believe it. The US is bringing in additional fighters- numbering in the thousands under this rebranded "Rojova Kurds" label