
Trump Syria Withdrawal Decision Requires Congressional Hearings – Senator Graham

Sputnik – December 21, 2018 WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump’s plan to pull all American forces out of Syria needs to be examined by Congress to determine the impact on US national security, Senator Lindsey Graham said on Friday. “It is imperative Congress hold hearings on withdrawal decision in Syria — and potentially Afghanistan — to understand implications to our national […]

Officials: US Warplanes Will Stop Bombing Syria After Troops Leave

(ANTIWAR.COM) — According to officials familiar with the situation, the announcement that the US is ending its war in Syria and withdrawing all ground troops also applies to the air war. US warplanes will stop striking Syria after the troops have left. The Pentagon refused to confirm the decision officially, saying that they will keep conducting airstrikes so long […]

Ex-Diplomat: US Elites Alarmed That Trump May Accomplish Promised Foreign Policy

Sputnik – 21.12.2018 WASHINGTON – The US troop withdrawal from Syria and the resignation of Defense Secretary James Mattis has the establishment fearful that President Donald Trump might finally implement the foreign policy he campaigned on, former diplomat Jim Jatras told Sputnik. “Terror has again gripped the establishment that the Trump who was elected president […]

Continued US Occupation of the Middle East Does Not Suppress Terrorism, It Causes It

Even the neo-con warmongers’ house journal The Guardian, furious at Trump’s attempts to pull US troops out of Syria, in producing a map to illustrate its point, could only produce one single, uncertain, very short pen stroke to describe the minute strip of territory it claims ISIS still controls on the Iraqi border.

Turkey’s Erdogan Vows “All Measures” To Circumvent Sanctions On Iran

Following Wednesday’s unexpected and dramatic full and “immediate” withdrawal of all US forces from Syria, Turkey has announced it will not play ball on Iran sanctions. According to a translation of the Turkish president’s words on Thursday during a previously planned summit with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Ankara, journalist Abdullah Bozkurt reports,

Trump’s bold geopolitical pivot, will the Deep State retaliate?

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and former U.S. Army Special Operations Officer and global psychological warfare counter-terrorism analyst Scott Bennett take a quick look at US President Donald Trump decision to disengage from Syria and bring American troops home. Does this mark a major turning point and pivot away from years of a failed and disastrous US foreign policy dogma in the Middle East that has left the region in ruins.