
Pentagon mulls allowing Kurdish militias to keep weapons after US withdrawal from Syria, breaking promise made to Turkey

RT | December 29, 2018 The Pentagon is considering allowing Kurdish fighters to keep their US-supplied weapons after American forces withdraw from northern Syria, breaking a promise it had made to Turkey, a media report reveals. US commanders preparing for the troop pullout from Syria have recommended that Kurdish militias be allowed to keep weapons […]

The Decade-Long U.S. Campaign To Foment Syria’s “Revolution” And Unseat Assad

SYRIA (First published in May, 2017) The fingerprints of U.S. imperialism can be found all over the manufactured insurrection in Syria, in keeping with the ultimate goal of destabilization and eventual “regime change”  through fomenting a sectarian civil war.  Former NATO commander Wesley Clark has gone on record as stating that Syria was on a list of targeted nations to be toppled by the U.S. as early as 2001.

Trump-- The New Anti-War Champion?

by Reese ErlichLast week President Donald Trump surprised the world, and much of his own staff, by announcing plans to pull over 2000 US troops out of Syria. Then he said he would cut the number of US troops in Afghanistan in half.In response, Secretary of Defense James "Mad Dog" Mattis and special envoy to Syria Brett McGurk resigned. Conservative Republicans denounced Trump. The foreign policy establishment in general went bonkers, claiming Trump was endangering national security.Some liberals and progressives were confused.

Trump’s Holiday Gift to America: Hope for a Little More Peace on Earth?

By Thomas L. Knapp | Garrison Center | December 27, 2018 In March, US president Donald Trump promised the American public that US troops would be leaving Syria “very soon.” Nine months later, he threw Washington’s political establishment into turmoil by finally ordering the withdrawal he’d promised. Politicians like US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who’d […]

Trump Extricates Himself from the Trap in Syria, Abandoning the Kurds

By Dmitry MININ | Strategic Culture Foundation | 28.12.2018 It is not only many members of the US establishment who have labeled President Trump’s order to withdraw America’s forces (2,200 troops) from Syria as a betrayal, but also the allies of the United States. They claim that Trump is throwing the Syrian Kurds under the […]