
How Critics of Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Fueled the Rise of ISIS

Too many of those protesting the removal of U.S. forces are authors of the catastrophe that tore Syria to pieces. (CN Op-ed) — President Donald Trump’s announcement of an imminent withdrawal of US troops from northeastern Syria summoned a predictable paroxysm of outrage from Washington’s foreign policy establishment. Former secretary of state and self-described “hair icon” Hillary […]

Land Swap between Ankara and Damascus to Avoid Standoff over Manbij

The regions currently administered by the Kurds in Syria include the Kurdish-majority Qamishli and al-Hasakah in northeastern Syria, and the Arab-majority towns of Manbij to the west of the Euphrates River in northern Syria and Kobani to the east of the Euphrates River along the Turkish border. The oil- and natural gas-rich Deir al-Zor governorate in eastern Syria has been[Read More...]

How President Trump may actually be fixing relations with Russia and Iran

President Trump made an unexpected trip to Iraq on the day after Western Christmas, flying in secret on Air Force One with the lights blacked out and military escort jets alongside. The eleven-hour journey concluded with the President speaking to the US troops stationed there, but his message was intended for the whole world to hear.

US Commanders Recommend Letting Syrian Kurds Keep US-Supplied Weapons

(MEE) — US commanders planning for the withdrawal of their troops from Syria are recommending that Kurdish fighters battling Islamic State (IS) be allowed to keep US-supplied weapons, four American officials have said, a move that would likely anger NATO ally Turkey. Three of the officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the recommendations were part of […]

Is Manbij Handover to Syrian Government a ‘Psyops’ by Kurds?

The Syrian army said it entered Manbij on Friday for the first time in years, after the Syrian Kurds urged Damascus to protect the town from the threat of impending Turkish military offensive, though Turkish President Erdogan has termed the handover a “psyops” by the Kurds. If Turkey mounts an offensive in Manbij, it would be the third invasion by[Read More...]