Syria--my writings

Souria Samideen–words of a Syrian from Quneitra

In a mini mart yesterday afternoon, a guy patiently waiting for me to stuff my cucumbers and other groceries into my bag and clear out of the way, pointed at my wristband with surprise. “I couldn’t wear that here,” he smiles. Aha, gut feeling confirmed: Syrian. Another man shows up, his brother, and we get chatting.
They now work at the construction site across the road but are from a Jabal al-Shaykh area village.

University Hospital, Damascus: Meeting Victims of Western-backed Mortar and Rocket Terrorism

Fourteen year old girl from Arihah, Idlib, critical condition after hit by mortar shrapnel.
From February 24-26, 2015, I joined a US delegation of 6 anti-war activists—including, notably, former Attorney General, Ramsey Clark, as well as former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and long-time anti-war advocate Sara Flounders, of the International Action Center—in a solidarity visit to Damascus.