Syria--my writings

Short Updates From Syria: June to August 11

*Entering Aleppo city, a 500 metre stretch of the Ramouseh road is lethal due to terrorists’ sniping and shelling.
I have been visiting different regions of Syria since June 13, 2016, and have not had sufficient time to post regularly.  However, until then, I will share some brief updates I had shared on social media, and otherwise will share writings/photos/videos from my prior 4 visits.
August 8, 2016: Down the Terrorist Sniper Road to Aleppo

Damascus, Life Returns 5 Years After NATO Destabilization Efforts: A snapshot of life in Damascus, June and July 2016

The croissant stand in Aamariya district of Thomas Gate is known not only to Damascenes but visitors from other areas of Syria. While prices for most goods have risen all across Syria, the stand keeps its prices low: 125 Syrian pounds per sumptuous croissant. On the first day of ‘Eid celebrations the stand is packed.