Syria civil war

Are We 7 Days From ‘World War III’? If So, How and Why Have We Come To This…?

Russian officials have warned that a new ‘world war’ is in danger of being set off in Syria, partly in response to the actions and maneuvers of Turkey and Saudi Arabia in recent weeks. But if World War III is an imminent possibility, why? And why would it not be stopped? As previously highlighted, a […]

ANKARA: Syrian Kurds Neglect 1st Rule of Terrorism – To Claim Responsibility…

As Ankara has again been hit by deadly terrorism, Turkey’s Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu, has been very quick to assign blame for Wednesday evening’s car bomb in Ankara that killed 28 people. All the evidence, he said, suggested that the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) were responsible. Davutoğlu’s declarations should be viewed with suspicion […]

Syria Airstrikes, the Oil/Gas Heist, Cameron’s Phantom Army & the Myth of the Moderate Fighters…

Weeks now after the ‘Syria Vote’ in UK parliament and the initiation of British bombing against ISIL targets in Syria, the talk has once again – inevitably and predictably – begun to turn back to the ‘Assad Must Go’ script. This was in spite of a brief interval following Russian intervention and the Paris attacks […]