Syria civil war

Trying to Make Sense of Nonsense: The Douma Chemical Incident & the Attack on Syria..

Am I the only one who can’t quite work out what happened last weekend in Syria or what it’s all supposed to mean? That is, I can’t work out what the US-UK-France Triumvirate (the same Triumvirate that led the intervention against Gaddafi in Libya) was trying to do when it decided to carry out strikes […]

The End in Aleppo: A Confused, Emotive Story Plays Out in International Media…

As was clear a few days ago when the Syrian Army liberated the Old City of Aleppo, it was just a matter of time before the remainder of rebel-held Aleppo would be recaptured. The dramatic, wildly conflicting, reports circulating in the last 24 hours confirm that Aleppo has been fully liberated by the government forces: […]

Ignore Syria the Movie: And Please Read Vanessa Beeley on Syria & the ‘White Helmets’…

I was trying to actually take a short break from posting for a while; but the sheer level of BS being spewed as international powers desperately seek a renewed premise for military intervention in Syria is just stomach turning. The BS propaganda game is accelerating more every day. On TV, on the radio, in newspapers, […]

SYRIA: US Attack on the Syrian Army & the Findings of the US Peace Council…

You might’ve thought that the United States‘ policy in Syria couldn’t get any more confused or damaged: but the admission that a US air strike has killed somewhere between 60 to 83 soldiers of the Syrian Army is just about the worst thing, and at the worst time, that could’ve happened in terms of US […]

The Aleppo End-Game, ‘Moderate’ Terrorism & the Retaking of Syria…

Picking up from yesterday‘s reports of chemical attacks in Syria, we of course have to be very careful when watching the media/propaganda war concerning what is happening in Aleppo and in Syria in general. We also know that there were two attacks, one of them being in the Salahuddin residential area of eastern Aleppo. Russian […]

When Your So-Called ‘Moderate’ Rebels Behead an 11-Year-Old Boy…

You may have seen the reports circulating concerning the beheading of a child in Syria. The horrendous scenes of the beheading of a young Palestinian boy by a Syrian rebel faction called ‘Nour-Al-Din Al-Zenki’ has been all over social media in the past couple of days. This particularly barbaric crime was carried out not by […]

ALEPPO, SYRIA: Remember Benghazi Before You Buy the Latest Propaganda…

And just when you thought the situation in Syria was entering into a period of peace, negotiation and reconciliation, and that the propaganda and deception might die down for a while. Aleppo now continues to be the focus of a renewed and nasty propaganda war, with US and Western officials claiming the Syrian regime has […]