Synthetic Wars

The Lone Gladio: An Edge-of-Your-Seat Thriller

“A globetrotting, Crichton-esque narrative unfolds, from Baku to the jungles of Vietnam, in true page-turning fashion!”
By Tom Secker
This morning I finished reading Sibel Edmonds’ debut novel The Lone Gladio, less than 24 hours after I started reading the book.  A more considered review will come later but my initial reaction is thus:

A Review by Corbett Report: “The Lone Gladio” Blows the Lid Off Of Gladio B

“Eat your heart out, Fleming, Clancy, Le Carré; “The Lone Gladio” boldly goes where no mere spy yarn would dare!”
By James Corbett
 “The Lone Gladio,” the new novel by FBI whistleblower and founder Sibel Edmonds, is not just another spy novel. Yes, it is about spies…of a sort. And clandestine missions. And double-crosses and unsure loyalties. But that’s where the similarity ends.

Self-Publishing: A Powerful Tool to Challenge the Corporate Establishment & the Deep State

Utilizing all we can in our fight against those who stand between us & our liberties
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, said Thomas Jefferson. We must remain vigilant individually and collectively- that is, if we value our liberties and integrity. We must utilize all we can in our fight against those who stand between us and our liberties.

Traces of Reality: “Sibel Edmonds Speaks Truth Through Fiction in The Lone Gladio”

Operation Gladio, Black Ops, Government Corruption & the Deep State
On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by Sibel Edmonds, editor and publisher of Boiling Frogs Post, founder-director for the National Security Whistleblowers Foundation, and author of the critically acclaimed book Classified Woman: The Sibel Edmonds Story.