
EU Parliament Members Test Urine for Glyphosate Ahead of Vote on the Herbicide Chemical

On Monday and Tuesday, 150 members of the European Parliament (MEP) donated urine samples to find out if they have glyphosate in their systems. The screening comes ahead of a symbolic vote in the European Union that is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12, on whether to re-license the RoundUp chemical for another 15 years. [1]

36 Different Pesticides Found in Hawaiian Child’s Hair Sample

Kauaʻi mother Malia Chun is no stranger to fighting against biotech corporations that spray chemicals in her neighborhood. She flew all the way to Switzerland to attend Syngenta’s board meeting to draw attention to the fact that corporations like theirs are poisoning her children. Recent tests revealed that one of her daughters was riddled with 36 different pesticides – the shocking discovery was found from taking a simple hair sample to a lab.
Malia Chun stands in front of the GE corn fields near her home. Source: MIKE COOTS FOR EARTHJUSTICE

Retour sur l’émission de « Cash Investigation » à propos de l’industrie des pesticides

France Télévision diffusait ce mardi la première émission de la saison 4 de Cash Investigation.
L’émission d’investigation phare de France Télévision a enquêté sur l’industrie chimique mondiale avec un titre anxiogène : « Produits chimiques : nos enfants en danger »
(disponible en replay ici)