swine flu

Perspectives on the Pandemic | Professor Knut Wittkowski | Episode 2

hattip YayaIf you haven't watched the video in the previous post, why haven't you?  

Yet, another day of lock down surely affords you the time to get informed? And so.. here's another highly informative video. Share both these videos.No fear. No hysteria. That's what we all need!

Covid "Pandemic" Brought to You by WHO Pandemic Definition Change- Numbers of Dead Too Low?

 Long time readers here may recall that just prior to the "swine flu pandemic" the World Health Organization changed their definition of pandemic. This change in definition that took place more then a decade ago, made it possible for the WHO to label the Swine Flu of '09 a pandemic. It wasn't. This change also made it possible for them to claim Covid is a pandemic as well. So far it's looking much like the swine flu pandemic, which didn't manifest and might explain why it's being claimed the numbers of dead are too low.