susan rice

WSJ reports that Michael Flynn was not the only Trump official unmasked by Susan Rice

With each passing day, more evidence surfaces to present the case that the Obama administration was spying on a political opponent.
The WSJ is reporting that Susan Rice not only had Michael Flynn unmasked, but another Trump official was also swept up in Rice’s spying.
Even more damning according to the WSJ, is that at least one more high-level official in the Obama White House was giving “unmasking” orders.
One person is suspicion, two or more people makes a conspiracy.

Susan Rice has a Bill Clinton moment, uses a double negative as confession to spying on Trump

Former Obama National Security Adviser Susan Rice is being accused of asking to “unmask” Trump aides in intelligence reports.
She went to Obama friendly NBC to respond to the claim for the first time in an interview with Andrea Mitchell.
Listen carefully to Rice’s words, and it is clear to see she is lying, and admitting to spying on Trump. A good lawyer would tear Rice apart in court.

Rand Paul destroys Morning Joe, “Obama Administration used intelligence apparatus to attack Trump”

Nothing brings me more joy than watching the MSNBC Morning Joe panel exposed as the fools they so aspire to be.
It is no secret by now that the mainstream, corrupt, fake news media is trying their best to bury the scandal around Susan Rice’s year long spying on candidate Trump (and then president-elect Trump).

Rappoport: ‘CNN Already Deflecting From the Susan Rice Scandal’

By Jon Rappoport
CNN is already claiming the whole Susan Rice scandal is a tempest in a teapot, and the Trump team is exaggerating it to distract the public from… something. Fill in the blank yourself.
For example: Trump isn’t actually the president, he cheated his way into the Oval Office, while acting as a secret agent for his handler, Vladimir Putin, who in turn was operating on behalf of aliens from Jupiter.

BREAKING: Susan Rice ordered spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of Trump calls

The truth about how the Obama White House abused their power and spied on just about everyone, is making its way into the mainstream, as Susan Rice is now directly implicated in a scandal that makes Watergate look childish…the spying and deliberate targeting of a presidential candidate…this is a huge story that is unfolding by the minute.
Zerohedge described what is happening best…

Susan Rice Ordered Details of Intercepted Phone Calls With Trump Team

(ZHEAfter it was revealed over the weekend by Mike Cernovich that Susan Rice was the mysterious Obama official behind the “unmasking” of Trump associates, the details behind the extreme measures taken by the Obama administration, including what seems to be personal legal liability for Susan Rice and potentially others, continue to grow more and more disturbing.

BOMBSHELL: Susan Rice began spying on Trump team in July last year, when Trump won GOP nomination

The the real crime has nothing to do with the fake news that Trump is some Russian/Putin Manchurian candidate.
The real scandal is much simpler and sinister, and unlike the Trump-Russia election fairytale that has failed to produce any evidence in the last 8 months, this scandal is backed up by concrete evidence.

Busted! Susan Rice lies, “I know nothing about” unmasking Trump staff (Video)

Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice spoke with PBS last month, and had tough words for President Trump and his administration warning about the “profound dangers” of making false statements.
Turns out the only false statements coming out, are from Susan Rice’s mouth. And it’s not the first time.
Remember Susan Rice was the Obama staffer who pushed the fake news that Benghazi was all about a “video post”.