susan rice

Tucker Carlson shines a light on Obama’s three wicked witches and their crimes in Libya (Video)

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The Duran ran a post today by Pat Buchanan on the North Korea standoff

Russiagate: Proof Obama’s Justice Department placed Trump campaign under surveillance

An unintended though unsurprising paradox of the Russiagate investigation is that though it has failed to produce any evidence of collusion between Russia and Donald Trump’s campaign team – because no such collusion took place – it is increasingly flushing out evidence of disturbing behaviour against the Trump campaign by former officials of the Obama administration.

Susan Rice admits Trump team placed under surveillance

Publication of Hillary Clinton’s book, which I have not read but which I gather characteristically blames everyone for her election defeat but herself, and which assumes all the Russiagate allegations to be true, begs the question of what stage the Russiagate investigation has reached, and whether we are any closer to a final end to this affair.
The answer is that the investigation – predictably enough – appears to be going nowhere, and that the affair is now probably close to its end.

Former UN Ambassador Samantha Power emerges as central figure in Obama unmasking crimes

Last week Fox News reported that more senior Barack Obama officials are thought to be involved in the unmasking of Donald Trump and his associates during the 2016 presidential election.
As the mainstream media foams at the mouth over “fake crime” Trump-Russia connections, the boomerang effect of Obama unmasking “real crime” is growing, and now has ensnared former UN Ambassador Samantha Power.
Via Fox News

Obama administration “unmasking” scandal “goes beyond” key officials like Susan Rice

As the liberal left continues to fixate on trying to find one scintilla of evidence between Trump and Russia, so as to support Hillary Clinton’s fictitious story of Russia election meddling, the boomerang effect is snagging many Obama top staffers who were dealing in very nefarious activity while in the White House.
Fox News reports that more senior Obama officials are thought to be involved in the unmasking of Trump and his associates during the 2016 election.

Flynn Allegedly Blocked Plan To Retake ISIS Stronghold That Turkey Opposed

Michael Flynn sits in the front row before the start of the President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe joint new conference in the East Room of the White House, in Washington, Friday, Feb. 10, 2017. (AP/Carolyn Kaster)
Former US national security adviser, Michael Flynn, reportedly blocked a military plan against the Islamic State that was opposed by Turkey just days before President Donald Trump was sworn in.