Susan Collins

Will Mainers Remember In 2020? Perhaps Justice Kavanaugh Will Remind Then Now And Then

Ted Cruz never hesitated or thought twice about his vote for Brett Kavanaugh. He fund-raised off it. It's who he is, who he's always been and will always be. Yesterday, after the 50-48 vote roll call, Beto send a note to Texas voters saying, clearly: "Today, the Senate voted on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. If I were in the Senate, I would have voted no.

Superior Solution For The SCOTUS Emergency

Barrett by Chip Proserby David LeibowitzIndivisible has recently posted a web page titled “The 2-Step Strategy to Win the Supreme Court Fight” that clearly lays out the available conventional grassroots tools and strategies for dealing with the SCOTUS emergency. The first step is to block the approval of any Supreme Court nominee during the remainder of the current Senate session.

In Washington Everyone Hates The Most Toxic Swamp Creature Of All, Donald J. Trump

Poor Trumpanzee. Everyone knows what an incompetent imbecile he is-- and Republicans in high positions increasingly are forced to bite their tongues to pretend otherwise. Some just can't do it any longer. Yesterday, BuzzFeed's Joseph Bernstein reported that last July National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster just couldn't take it any longer and let Oracle CEO Safra Catz know what he thinks of the orange pile of amorphous dung he works for.

It's As If Ryan And Trump Are Determined To Eviscerate The Middle Class With Their Tax Plan

On Thursday we looked at how the Trump-Ryan tax cuts for the rich will be toxic for Republicans in states where the elimination of the federal deduction for state and local taxes is significant and will mean as much as $20,000 annually flowing from the bank accounts of middle class taxpayers into the bank accounts of multimillionaires and billionair