
The Craziest Response At Saturday Night's Unfortunately-Scheduled Democratic Debate

Hillary felt the shoe fit when Bernie started talking about Wall Street's concerted effort to buy off the political system with millions of dollars. She interrupted to claim he was trying to "impugn my integrity." Watch in the video above. And keep watching as she uses typical GOP talking points to explain why her political career has been built on Wall Street money.We'll come back to Hillary in a moment. First I want to remind you that the Financial Sector is the #1 source on political contributions (legalized bribery, plain and simple) in our democracy.

What Do Big Donors Expect From The Legalistic Bribes They Pay Politicians?

The other day I was nosing around the Open Secrets website to see who was giving what to which candidates and their various SuperPACs. It's been widely reported that Hillary has taken in $97,763,283 in total-- most of it ($77,471,604) for his own campaign committee and the rest for her SuperPACs ($20,291,679).